This repository contains the code of the implementation of the article "TE-NeXt: A LiDAR-Based 3D Sparse Convolutional Network for Traversability Estimation". This article develops a novel and efficient architecture focused on traversability estimation, which adopts an encoder-decoder configuration and whose main innovation lies in the convolutional residual block designed, taking into consideration notions of current trends in the world of deep learning, such as vision Transformers and Sparse convolutions. The following image shows the TE-NeXt architecture.
- Ubuntu >= 14.04
- CUDA >= 10.1.243 and the same CUDA version used for pytorch (e.g. if you use conda cudatoolkit=11.1, use CUDA=11.1 for MinkowskiEngine compilation)
- pytorch >= 1.7 You must match the CUDA version pytorch uses and CUDA version used for Minkowski Engine installation.
- python >= 3.6
- ninja (for installation)
- GCC >= 7.4.0
The Minkowski Engine is distributed via PyPI MinkowskiEngine which can be installed simply with pip. First, install pytorch following the instruction. Next, install openblas.
sudo apt install build-essential
python3-dev libopenblas-dev
pip install torch ninja
pip install -U MinkowskiEngine --install-option="--blas=openblas" -v --no-deps
For pip installation from the latest source
pip install -U git+ --no-deps
git clone
cd MinkowskiEngine
python install --cpu_only
For the correct functioning of the repository the configuration files must be filled in.
The config folder contains the .yaml files that determine which data from each dataset is intended for training or testing and the TE-NeXt training configuration.
The model folder contains the implementation of TE-NeXt
Afterwards the file read and prepare the dato for the network. If you wish change the features which we are training the network you should change this script.
Once the data is ready and its clear the neural network input, the training process is described in
- The folders where are located the datasets can be changed in or given by arguments.
- For running the training:
- For running the test:
This section corresponds to the explanation of the autonomous navigation system developed at ROS Noetic. This navigation system is composed of:
- Traversability Estimation
- Trajectory planning
- Control
It has been developed into a ROS service that runs the TE-NeXt neural network in the ROS framework by publishing the inference in a topic. This will serve as input to the trajectory planner.
In light of the network inference, an RRT algorithm is executed on the points identified as traversable. Subsequently, a trajectory of points is generated, which serves as the input for the control loop based on the Lyapunov stability criterion.
The system operates by initiating the simultaneous launch of multiple terminals on the robot.
roslaunch RRT-solution map_husky.launch
The result can be viewed here