Extracts a rosbag file (ROS) and converts it to a EUROC/ASL format.
The basic structure of the format is a set of directories containing:
├── robot0
├── camera
│ ├── /*.png
├── gps0
│ ├── /data.csv
├── gps_filtered
│ ├── /data.csv
├── ground_truth
│ ├── /data.csv
├── imu0
│ ├── /data.csv
├── lidar
│ ├── /*.pcd
│ ├── /data.csv
├── odometry_gps
│ ├── /data.csv
│ ├── /data.csv
└── tf_static
├── /data.csv
Install the requirements with:
- ./install.sh
First we activate the virtual environment created during installation.
- source setup.sh
Now, we just run the python file once the YAML file was properly configured.
- python3 extract_rosbag.py
Configure the following variables in config.yaml, for example:
rosbag_path: "/home/user/file.bag"
output_path: "/home/user/extract_rosbag"
Next: configure the topics that will be read and extracted
topic_name_point_cloud: "/ouster/points" # /os1/pointCloud
topic_name_odometry: "/odometry/filtered"
topic_name_ground_truth: "/ground_truth/state"
topic_name_gps: "/fix"
topic_name_imu: "/imu/data"
topic_name_camera: "/aravis_cam/aravis_cam/image_raw"
topic_name_tf: "/tf"
topic_name_tf_static: "/tf_static"
topic_name_gps_filtered: "/gps/filtered"
topic_name_odometry_gps: "/odometry/gps"\
Finally, decide whether to extract those topics:
odometry: True
lidar2pcd: True
lidar2csv: False
ground_truth: False #just for simulation
gps: True
imu: True
camera: False
tf: True
tf_static: True
gps_filtered: True
odometry_gps: True\