Learning Missing Modal Electronic Health Records with Unified Multi-modal Data Embedding and Modality-Aware Attention (from AITRICS)
This is the repository for MLHC 2023 Paper "Learning Missing Modal Electronic Health Records with Unified Multi-modal Data Embedding and Modality-Aware Attention".
- If you have used our code or referred to our result in your research, please cite:
title={Learning Missing Modal Electronic Health Records with Unified Multi-modal Data Embedding and Modality-Aware Attention},
author={Lee, Kwanhyung and Lee, Soojeong and Hahn, Sangchul and Hyun, Heejung and Choi, Edward and Ahn, Byungeun and Lee, Joohyung},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.02504},
To install all the requirements of this repository in your environment, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Here we release the subset of our preprocessed data in the
Check our builder/models/~ or builder/models/src/baseline~ repository to see available models. To train the model in default setting, run a command in a format as shown below :
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=*device number* python ./2_train.py --project-name *folder name to store trained model* --model *name of model to run* --input-types *modalities you want to train* --modality-inclusion *allow missing modality sample or not* --output-type *task* --vslt-type *UMSE on Time-Series Data* --imgtxt-time *UMSE on Image and Text Data*
For --input-types, we have 4 different modality combaination to train:
- "vslt": Time-Series Data (Vital-Sign and Lab-Test)
- "vslt_img": vslt + CXR Image Data
- "vslt_txt": vslt + Clinical Text Data
- "vslt_img_txt": vslt + CXR Image Data + Clinical Text Data
Example run for TSA model with UMSE:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python 2_train.py --project-name github_test_model --input-types vslt_img_txt --model tri_mbt_vsltcls --modality-inclusion train-missing_test-missing --lr-init 1e-5 --output-type intubation --batch-size 64 --epochs 50 --transformer-num-layers 6 --vslt-type TIE --model-types detection --imgtxt-time 1 --mbt-only-vslt 1 --num-workers 16 --multiimages 1
Other arguments you can add :
- multiimages: number of images you want to consider at each prediction
- realtime: offer time information based on time distance from admission time or time distance from prediction time
- TIE-len: maximum number of time-series data for each prediction (default: 1000)
- dir-result: path where saved models will exist
- image-data-path: path where cxr image data exist
- prediction-range: how far to predict the clinical task
- min-inputlen: minimum time series data length
- window-size: maximum time series data length Please refer to /control/config.py for other arguments and brief explanations.
python ./3_test.py --project-name *folder where model is stored* --model *name of model to test* --output-type *task*