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These are Python scripts to reproduce experiments from [1] and [2]. Experiments can be run using the helpers in ../Makefile or by directly calling bazel run experiments:{experiment_name}. Results are placed in a results folder in this directory.

Experiment Class

Each experiment sub-classes the Experiment class in This class is highly opinionated in the assumptions it makes about the experimental setup.

Experiment Phases

At a high-level, Experiments are broken up into two phases:

  • The "Run" phase should execute the "data collecting" portion of the experiment, but does not actually produce any figures or summary data. It can be thought of as the "in-the-lab" portion of the experiment, where raw data is collected. For example, in the ACAS Xu experiments, this computes the classifications of the lines (but does not produce the actual plots).
  • The "Analyze" phase takes the raw data produced by the run phase and creates figures and summary statistics ready for use in the paper.

The primary motivation for this separation of concerns is to be able to quickly modify the analysis performed (eg. making small modifications to the generated figures) without having to re-run the underlying experiments. This allows faster iteration cycles and quicker investigation into experiment data.

To that end, after the run phase is executed, subsequent executions of the experiment will allow you to (optionally) skip the run phase and only execute the analysis.

There is also a main method which handles orchestration of the two other phases.

When first reading an Experiment, we suggest starting with the run and analyze methods, which are the main entry points to the class.

Data Collection and Artifact Storage

Furthermore, there is a standard interface provided for data collection.

At a high-level, each experiment produces and keeps track of a list of "artifacts" (eg. Numpy arrays or MatPlotLib plots), which can be recorded using the method Experiment.record_artifact and accessed during the analysis phase using Experiment.read_artifact. Each artifact has a key, type, and associated value. The record_artifact and read_artifact methods transparently handle serialization and deserialization when applicable.

There are also CSV file helpers Experiment.begin_csv, Experiment.write_csv, and Experiment.read_csv which treat the CSV file like a dictionary of strings. CSV file keys can be stored as artifacts for future retrieval.

After each phase, all artifacts are compressed into an tar-gz archive that can be later read from using or any standard archive reader.