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sciter sandbox

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This is a sciter.js cross-platform development environment, making it easy to build and test Sciter applications. The environment automatically installs the Sciter SDK and provides various tools to streamline development.


  • works on Windows, Mac and Linux
  • automatically install the sciter SDK
  • easily switch between SDK versions
  • start scapp with inspector
  • auto-detects changes to your code and refreshes
  • lint javascript code (check for issues and format code)

sciter sandbox gif


  • A recent version of Node.js node (tested with 22 LTS) and its package manager npm

start sandbox

  • git clone the repository
  • install packages npm install
  • install default sciter SDK npm run install-sdk
  • start the sandbox npm run scapp

NOTE: scapp command is broken in,,


install sciter SDK

npm run install-sdk [version]

# example
npm run install-sdk

start scapp

npm run [scapp|scapp32]

close scapp and inspector

npm run stop

check SDK version

npm run sdk-version

lint code

Javascript code linting uses xo which uses eslint internally.

npx xo (--fix) [file1 file2]

Note: without files, xo automatically finds the files to lint.

add sandbox to your project

You can also use the sandbox in your own projects:

  • inside your project root dir npm install --save-dev sciter-sandbox
  • add the following scripts inside package.json
  "scripts": {
    "install-sdk": "node ./node_modules/sciter-sandbox/scripts/install.mjs",
    "sdk-version": "node ./node_modules/sciter-sandbox/scripts/version.mjs",
    "scapp": "node ./node_modules/sciter-sandbox/scripts/start.mjs scapp",
    "usciter": "node ./node_modules/sciter-sandbox/scripts/start.mjs usciter",
    "stop": "node ./node_modules/sciter-sandbox/scripts/stop.mjs",
    "scapp32": "node ./node_modules/sciter-sandbox/scripts/start.mjs scapp32",
    "usciter32": "node ./node_modules/sciter-sandbox/scripts/start.mjs usciter32"

define project SDK version

You can set your project to use a specific SDK version by adding the object key sciterVersion: inside package.json.

known issues

  • Linux and Mac require more testing
  • all OSes: usciter does not connect to the inspector
  • Linux: inspector has issues communicating (I don't know why)

how to release

# bump version
npm version 1.4.6

# publish package (send to
npm publish