Image Toolbox is a powerful picture editor, which can crop,
apply filters, add some drawing, erase background, edit EXIF or even create PDF file
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Batch processing
Applying filter chains (More than 220 various filters)
Available filters
- Saturation
- Contrast
- Brightness
- Exposure
- Hue
- White Balance
- Monochrome
- Black and White
- False Color
- Sharpen
- Gamma
- Highlights and Shadows
- Haze
- Sepia Tone
- Color Inversion
- Solarize
- Vibrance
- Luminance Threshold
- Pixellate
- Halftone
- Crosshatch
- Sobel Edge Detection
- Sketch Filter
- Toon Filter
- SmoothToon Filter
- CGA Colorspace Filter
- Posterize
- Convolution 3x3
- Emboss Filter
- Laplacian
- Kuwahara Filter
- Vignette
- Gaussian Blur
- Box Blur
- Stack Blur
- Fast Blur
- Bilaterial Blur
- Zoom Blur
- Median Blur
- Pixelation
- Enhanced Pixelation
- Stroke Pixelation
- Circle Pixelation
- Enhanced Circle Pixelation
- Diamond Pixelation
- Enhanced Diamond Pixelation
- Swirl Distortion
- Bulge Distortion
- Sphere Refraction
- Glass Sphere Refraction
- Dilation
- Non Maximum Suppression
- Opacity
- Weak Pixel Inclusion Filter
- Color Matrix 4x4
- Lookup
- Color Replacement
- Color Removance
- Bayer Two Dithering
- Bayer Three Dithering
- Bayer Four Dithering
- Bayer Eight Dithering
- Floyd Steinberg Dithering
- Jarvis Judice Ninke Dithering
- Sierra Dithering
- Two Row Sierra Dithering
- Sierra Lite Dithering
- Atkinson Dithering
- Stucki Dithering
- Burkes Dithering
- False Floyd Steinberg Dithering
- Left To Right Dithering
- Random Dithering
- Simple Threshold Dithering
- Quantizier
- Glitch Effect
- Enhanced Glitch Effect
- Anaglyph
- Noise
- Tent Blur
- Side Fade
- Erode
- Anisotropic Diffusion
- Horizontal Wind Stagger
- Fast Bilaterial Blur
- Poisson Blur
- Logarithmic Tone Mapping
- Aces Filmic Tone Mapping
- Crystallize
- Fractal Glass
- Marble
- Oil
- Water Effect
- Hable Filmic Tone Mapping
- Aces Hill Tone Mapping
- Hejl Burgess Tone Mapping
- Perlin Distortion
- Grayscale
- Dehaze
- Color Matrix 3x3
- Achromatomaly
- Achromatopsia
- Browni
- CodaChrome
- Cool
- Deutaromaly
- Deutaronotopia
- Night Vision
- Polaroid
- Protanopia
- Protonomaly
- Tritanopia
- Tritonomaly
- Vintage
- Warm
- Grain
- Unsharp
- Pastel
- Orange Haze
- Pink Dream
- Golden Hour
- Hot Summer
- Purple Mist
- Sunrise
- Colorful Swirl
- Soft Spring Light
- Autumn Tones
- Lavender Dream
- Cyberpunk
- Lemonade Light
- Spectral Fire
- Night Magic
- Fantasy Landscape
- Color Explosion
- Electric Gradient
- Caramel Darkness
- Futuristic Gradient
- Green Sun
- Rainbow World
- Deep Purple
- Space Portal
- Red Swirl
- Digital Code
- Bokeh
- Neon
- Old Tv
- Shuffle Blur
- Mobius
- Uchimura
- Aldridge
- Drago
- Color Anomaly
- Quantizier
- Ring Blur
- Cross Blur
- Circle Blur
- Star Blur
- Motion Blur
- Fast Gaussian Blur 2D
- Fast Gaussian Blur 3D
- Fast Gaussian Blur 4D
- Equalize Histogram
- Equalize Histogram HSV
- Equalize Histogram Pixelation
- Equalize Histogram Adaptive
- Equalize Histogram Adaptive LUV
- Equalize Histogram Adaptive LAB
- Equalize Histogram Adaptive HSV
- Equalize Histogram Adaptive HSL
- Clahe
- Clahe LUV
- Clahe LAB
- Clahe HSL
- Clahe HSV
- Crop To Content
- Linear Box Blur
- Linear Tent Blur
- Linear Gaussian Box Blur
- Linear Stack Blur
- Gaussian Box Blur
- Linear Fast Gaussian Next
- LinearFast Gaussian
- Linear Gaussian
- Low Poly
- Sand Painting
- Palette Transfer
- Enhanced Oil
- Simple Old TV
- Simple Sketch
- Gotham
- Color Poster
- Tri Tone
- Clahe Oklch
- Clahe Jzazbz
- Clahe Oklab
- Yililoma Dithering
- Clustered 2x2 Dithering
- Clustered 4x4 Dithering
- Clustered8x8 Dithering
- Polka Dot
- LUT 512*512
- Amatorka
- Miss Etikate
- Soft Elegance
- Soft Elegance Variant
- Bleach Bypass
- Candlelight
- Drop Blues
- Edgy Amber
- Fall Colors
- Film Stock 50
- Foggy Night
- Kodak
- Palette Transfer Variant
- 3D LUT (.cube / .CUBE)
- Pop Art
- Celluloid
- Coffee
- Golden Forest
- Greenish
- Retro Yellow
Custom Filters Creation by Template filters
- You can create filter from any filter chain
- Share created filters by QR code
- Scan filters from the app to get them on your device
AES-256 GCM No Padding files encryption and decryption
Extract Text From Images
- 120+ languages
- 3 Type of data: Fast, Standard, Best
- Segmentation Mode Selection
- Multiple languages at the same time
EXIF metadata editing/deleting
Loading images from internet
Image Stitching
Image Stacking
Image Splitting
Background Removal
- By drawing
- Automatically
- By Text
- By Image
Drawing on Image/Background
- Pen
- Neon
- Highlighter
- Privacy Blur
- Pixelation Paint
- Text
- Image Brush
- Filter Brush
- Pointing Arrow
- Line
- Double Pointing Arrow
- Line Pointing Arrow
- Double Line Pointing Arrow
- Outlined Rect
- Outlined Oval
- Outlined Triangle
- Outlined Polygon
- Outlined Star
- Rect
- Oval
- Triangle
- Polygon
- Star
- Lasso
Image Resizing
- Width changing
- Height changing
- Adaptive resize
- Resize retaining aspect ratio
- Resize by given limits
- Center Crop with
- Background color changing
- Background blur drawing
- Different Scaling Algorithms
- Bilinear
- Nearest Neighbour
- Cubic
- Mitchell-Netravalli
- Catmull-Rom
- Hermite
- B-Spline
- Hann
- Bicubic
- Hamming
- Hanning
- Blackman
- Welch
- Quadric
- Gaussian
- Sphinx
- Bartlett
- Robidoux
- Robidoux Sharp
- Spline 16
- Spline 36
- Spline 64
- Kaiser
- Bartlett-Hann
- Box
- Bohman
- Lanczos 2
- Lanczos 3
- Lanczos 4
- Lanczos 2 Jinc
- Lanczos 3 Jinc
- Lanczos 4 Jinc
- Ewa Hanning
- Ewa Robidoux
- Ewa Blackman
- Ewa Quadric
- Ewa Robidoux Sharp
- Ewa Lanczos 3 Jinc
- Ginseng
- Ginseng EWA
- Lanczos Sharp EWA
- Lanczos 4 Sharpest EWA
- Lanczos Soft EWA
- Haasn Soft
- Lagrange 2
- Lagrange 3
- Lanczos 6
- Lanczos 6 Jinc
- Different Scale Color Spaces
- Linear
- sRGB
- Sigmoidal
- F32 Gamma 2.2
- F32 Gamma 2.8
- F32 Rec.709
- F32 sRGB
- Oklab sRGB
- Oklab Rec.709
- Oklab Gamma 2.2
- Oklab Gamma 2.8
- Jzazbz sRGB
- Jzazbz Rec.709
- Jzazbz Gamma 2.2
- Jzazbz Gamma 2.8
GIF conversion
- GIF to images
- Images to GIF
APNG conversion
- APNG to images
- Images to APNG
JXL transcoding
Animated JXL conversion
- Images to JXL
- JXL to Images
- GIF to JXL
PDF tools
- PDF to images
- Images to PDF
- PDF previewing
Document Scanning
QR Codes
- Scanning
- Creating
- Sharing as images
Image Shrinking
- Quality compressing
- Preset shrinking
- Reducing size by given weight (in KB)
- Regular crop
- Crop by aspect ratio
- Crop with shape mask
- Rounded Corners
- Cut Corners
- Oval
- Squircle
- Octagon
- Rounded Pentagon
- Clover
- Material Star
- Kotlin Logo
- Small Material Star
- Heart
- Enhanced Heart
- Star
- Image Mask
Tracing raster images to SVG
Format Conversion
- PNG Lossless
- PNG Lossy
- MozJpeg
- Jpegli
- JP2
- J2K
- SVG and GIF to static raster images
- Telegram sticker PNG format
Files to Zip
Comparing images
- Slide
- Toggle Tap
- Transparency
- Side By Side
Color Utils
- Palette generation
- Material You Scheme
- Simple Colors
- Picking color from image
- Gradient creation
- Overlaying image with gradient
- Palette generation
Image source selection
Added Color Tools option
- Mixing
- Conversion
- Harmonies
- Shading
Additional Features
- Rotating
- Flipping
- Previewing SVG, GIF and almost all types of images
- Saving to any specific folder
- Long press on save to choose one time output folder
- Randomizing output filename
- Embedded media picker
And More!
- Selecting Emoji for top app bar
- Ability to use Pixel like switch instead of Material You
- Secure Mode for app
- Maximum brightness for selected screens
- In app language changing
- Enabling or Disabling confetti
- Custom app color scheme
- Different palette styles
- Predefined schemes
- Color inversion
- Contrast adjusting
- Controlling borders thickness
- Enabling and disabling each existing shadow
- Haptics controls
- Light/Dark mode
- AMOLED mode
- Monet implementation (Dynamic colors) even for Android versions less than 12 by Dynamic Theme
- Image based color scheme
- Icons Background shape selection
- Rounded Corners
- Cut Corners
- Oval
- Squircle
- Octagon
- Rounded Pentagon
- Clover
- Material Star
- Small Material Star
- Heart
- Enhanced Heart
- Custom fonts
- Montserrat
- Comfortaa
- Caveat
- Handjet
- Jura
- Podkova
- Tektur
- YsabeauSC
- DejaVu
- BadScript
- RuslanDisplay
- Catterdale
- FRM32
- Tokeely Brookings
- Nunito
- Nothing
- WOPR Tweaked
- Alegreya Sans
- Minecraft Gnu
- Granite Fixed
- Nokia Pixel
- Ztivalia
- Axotrel
- Lcd Octagon
- Lcd Moving
- Unisource
- In app font scale changing
- Changing between options list and grouped view
- Confetti Type selection
- Default
- Festive
- Explode
- Rain
- Side
- Corners
- ImageToolbox
- Switch Type selection:
- Material You
- Compose
- Pixel
- Fluent
- Cupertino
(Yes, the app supports dynamic coloring based on wallpapers for every android version)
Minimum SDK level 21
Kotlin based
Image Toolbox Libs - set of essential libraries for Image Toolbox.
Dynamic Theme - library, which allows you to easily implement custom color theming.
Modal Sheet - modal bottom sheet that follows M3 guidelines.
Coroutines for asynchronous work.
Flow to emit values from data layer reactively.
Accompanist to expand jetpack compose opportunities.
Hilt for dependency injection.
Coil for loading images.
Compose Navigation Reimagined - High intelligence navigation library for Jetpack Compose.
Konfetti to establish beautiful particle system.
Compose - Modern Declarative UI style framework based on composable functions.
Material You Kit - Material 3 powerful UI components.
ViewModel - Manages UI-related data holder and lifecycle awareness. Allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations.
Data Store - Store data asynchronously, consistently, and transactionally.
Lifecycle - Observe Android lifecycles and handle UI states upon the lifecycle changes.
Exif Interface - Read and write image file EXIF tags.
GPU Image for creating and applying filters to the images.
SmartToolFactory provides a bunch of helpful libraries.
AVIF Coder and JXL Coder libraries which provide avif, heic, heif and jxl support.
Aire and Trickle for creating and applying filters to the images on CPU using native cpp code.

You can help translate ImageResizer into your language on Hosted Weblate
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Designed and developed by 2023 T8RIN
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.
Photos by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash