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Deploy (O‐RAN Compliant) 5G Networks based on OAI

Haohuang Wen edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 8 revisions

This guide provides instructions to quickly deploy an experimental 5G network based on the OpenAirInterface (OAI) project, optionally with an O-RAN compliant E2 agent that we have developed to work with a near real-time RIC (nRT-RIC) of an O-RAN control plane.

I. Basic Concepts

We will use the following repositories, and they will be cross-referenced in later description.


OpenAirInterface (OAI) an open-source project that builds wireless cellular network technologies for 4G LTE and 5G New Radio (NR), including core network, base stations, and user equipments. It provides both simulation and compatibility with commodity software-defined radios (SDRs) such as USRPs.


OAI-5G ( is mirrored from the OpenAirInterface (OAI) project, with our extensions which implemented an O-RAN compliant E2 agent that supports communication and security telemetry collection from the gNB. It has multiple branches explained below:

  • v2.1.0.secsm.osc is the enhanced version of Eurecom OAI (v2.1.0) with support of an O-RAN compliant E2 agent, allowing the OAI gNB to communicate with a near-RT RIC of an O-RAN control plane. It also supports the MobiFlow Telemetry and MobiExpert xApp (i.e., the 5G-Spector framework).
  • v2.1.0 is an mirrored code branch from OAI of version v2.1.0.
  • 2023.w23.secsm.sdran is the SecSM enhanced version of Eurecom OAI (2023.w23) that supports the MobiFlow Telemetry and MobiExpert xApp (i.e., the 5G-Spector framework).
  • 2023.w23 is the original code branch forked from Eurecom OAI
  • 2023.w23.kpm.sdran is the ONOS-RIC enhanced version that supports ONOS's basic KPM monitor xApp (
  • 2023.w23.secsm.flexric is an experimental branch that will extend OAI's support to SecSM on FlexRIC.
  • lte.attack is the branch with a number of layer-3 exploits (see and the 5G-Spector paper for the options)
  • nr.attack is the branch with the layer-3 exploits implemented on 5G

With OAI-5G, you can deploy eNB / gNB / UE / nrUE. Please pick the corresponding branch based on your needs. We recommend using the latest support, i.e., v2.1.0 related branches


OAI-5G-Docker ( This repo contains the necessary configuration files to quickly deploy a 5G network, e.g., locally via RFSIM or USRP, or on Colosseum.

All running instructions are integrated into a single bash script There are four different folders with the corresponding pre-defined configurations at the root of OAI-5G-Docker (to save your time):

  • lte-rfsim: RF simulated LTE network (no SDR, or USRP required)
  • lte-usrp: RF-based LTE network (works on USRPs)
  • nr-rfsim: RF simulated NR (5G) network
  • nr-usrp: RF-based NR network

It can also be used to run different attack variants (check the script for details).

Before you use this script, please make sure you have the following paths in pointing to the correct folders


By default, the above directories will work on Colosseum. But if you use this script on another machine, please make sure they are correct. Note that some changes may be adapted according to your actual requirement and hardware (e.g., different USRPs).

5G-Spector Framework

5G-Spector is the first Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) compliant layer-3 cellular attack detection service. It is based on the revolutionary O-RAN architecture that brings unprecedented programmability that enables stakeholders (e.g., network operators) and researchers to build innovative software-defined services on cellular networks. 5G-Spector is featured in project SE-RAN and an academic publication in the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2024 (NDSS 2024). The full paper is available here.

II. Deploy a 5G network w/ RF simulation from scratch

To deploy a 5G network w/ RF simulation, you need to first prepare a Linux machine or VM (Ubuntu recommended). Note that OAI may have some restrictions and may not work on the latest Ubuntu versions (double-check the OAI requirements before you go).

Recommended environment:

Env Value
OS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Storage 100 GB

Step 1 Install dependencies

Install docker

Refer to:

You can add your user to the docker group to avoid running docker with sudo:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker

Log back in to let this take effect.

Install docker compose standalone:

Refer to:

You might need to add execution permission to it:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Step 2 Deploy an OAI 5G network

2.1 Clone Repositories

Clone the OAI-5G and OAI-5G-Docker repos.

git clone
git clone

You may also use OAI's official repositories from here.

2.2 Compile the OAI gNB and nrUE binaries

(Note: If you wish to use Docker-based deployment for the gNB and nrUE, you can skip this part)

Check out the branch you need. This tutorial provides full guidance on deploying the 5G network with O-RAN compliance, so the following branch with be used:

cd OAI-5G
git checkout v2.1.0.secsm.osc

Enter the directory:

cd OAI-5G/cmake_targets

Run the compilation command:

./build_oai -I --gNB --nrUE --build-ric-agent -w SIMU --ninja

Explanation of the arguments:

  • -I indicates you will install all dependencies (only when you compile for the first time)
  • --gNB indicates you will compile gNodeB
  • --nrUE indicates you will compile nrUE
  • --build-ric-agent indicates you will compile the E2 agent (only when you choose the compatible branch)
  • -w SIMU indicates you compile the RF simulation library
  • --ninja to accelerate the compilation

The compilation takes a while. After a successful compilation, you will find nr-softmodem and nr-uesoftmodem under <PATH_TO_OAI-5G>/cmake_targets/ran_build/build/.

2.3 Deploy the 5GC

Currently it uses version v2.0.1 of the OAI's 5G core implementation. Enter OAI-5G-Docker/<config_folder>, e.g., nr-rfsim if you deploy a RF SIM 5G network. Then run:


Please adapt the core network configurations under OAI-5G-Docker/<config_folder> to your needs.

Wait to verify OAI 5GC deployment (all containers up and in healthy status):

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                   PORTS                                         NAMES
8f2976d7a951   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-upf:v2.0.1       "/openair-upf/bin/oa…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)   2152/udp, 8805/udp                            oai-upf
bab63b124a97   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-smf:v2.0.1       "/openair-smf/bin/oa…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp, 8080/tcp, 8805/udp                    oai-smf
d53123ab3c70   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-amf:v2.0.1       "/openair-amf/bin/oa…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp, 8080/tcp, 9090/tcp, 38412/sctp        oai-amf
edbe18ff9ecb   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-ausf:v2.0.1      "/openair-ausf/bin/o…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp, 8080/tcp                              oai-ausf
f1ab3cb4d704   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udm:v2.0.1       "/openair-udm/bin/oa…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp, 8080/tcp                              oai-udm
018dbecfeec6   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udr:v2.0.1       "/openair-udr/bin/oa…"   3 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp, 8080/tcp                              oai-udr
60a8fbe197f7   mysql:8.0                                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp                           mysql
3d51306310d4   oaisoftwarealliance/trf-gen-cn5g:jammy   "/bin/bash -c ' ip r…"   3 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)                                                 oai-ext-dn
2b3e4555d296   oaisoftwarealliance/ims:latest           "asterisk -fp"           3 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)                                                 ims
d975122be568   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nrf:v2.0.1       "/openair-nrf/bin/oa…"   3 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp, 8080/tcp, 9090/tcp                    oai-nrf

To undeploy the 5GC, run:


2.4 Deploy the gNB

There are two deployment strategies: (1) Bare-metal deployment and (2) Docker-based deployment. Docker-based deployment will use OAI's official gNB images (so you don't have to compile the gNB binaries) while bare-metal deployment allows more flexibility such as running a locally modified gNB. Below we provide both options and will first start with bare-metal deployment using our extended OAI gNB version with E2 RIC and MobiFlow support.

Bare-metal Deployment

First, you should create a copy of the script to your working folder with:

cp OAI-5G-Docker/ ~/

Adapt the following lines to the correct system paths to OAI-5G and OAI-5G-Docker you just crawled.



sudo ~/ gnb rfsim 

To verify GNB is running, you will see repeated log entries:

[NR_MAC]   Frame.Slot 128.0

There will be error message like:

[RIC_AGENT]   ranid 0 connecting to RIC at with IP (my addr:

It can be safely ignored at this momment since we haven't deployed the nRT-RIC yet.

The run-time logs and pcaps are automatically saved to the paths specified by the _log_path and _pcap_path variables in the script.

CU / DU Mode

OAI also provides the option to run the gNB as separated CU and DU nodes with 7.2x split. We have also prepared corresponding configs (in the same folder with other gNB configs) for such a deployment.

To run the OAI CU node:

sudo ./ gnb-cu rfsim

To run the OAI DU node:

sudo ./ gnb-du rfsim

Docker-based deployment

Alternatively, you could also deploy the gNB as docker containers. We use OAI's official docker images. To deploy the gNB in RF simulation mode and CU DU split, execute:

cd nr-rfsim

This will create two docker containers for gNB CU and DU:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                                         NAMES
c2da8c16e798   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-gnb:v2.1.0       "/opt/oai-gnb/bin/en…"   27 seconds ago   Up 22 seconds (healthy)                                                 rfsim5g-oai-du
9fdcdfdf85cd   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-gnb:v2.1.0       "/opt/oai-gnb/bin/en…"   28 seconds ago   Up 24 seconds (healthy)                                                 rfsim5g-oai-cu

To undeploy, execute:


2.5 Deploy (multiple) nrUEs

The deployment of nrUE also supports (1) bare-metal deployment and (2) docker-based deployment. Please use the same deployment method as the gNB.

Bare-metal Deployment

Open a new terminal and run:

sudo ~/ nrue* rfsim 

* indicates the index of UE (chosen from 0-9)

Verify the UE is running and connected to the gNB with logs like:

[NAS]   [UE] Received REGISTRATION ACCEPT message
[NR_PHY]   ============================================
[NR_PHY]   Harq round stats for Downlink: 16/0/0
[NR_PHY]   ============================================
[NR_PHY]   RSRP = -92 dBm
[NR_PHY]   RSRP = -92 dBm
[NR_PHY]   RSRP = -41 dBm

Logs and pcaps of each run will be saved at: /logs/. The configs of the UEs are available at OAI-5G-Docker/rfsim/nr-ues

To verify the UE's data traffic, use the created tunnel oaitun_ue1:

$ ping -I oaitun_ue1 -c 10
PING ( from oaitun_ue1: 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=19.6 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=49 time=20.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=49 time=22.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=49 time=22.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=49 time=20.2 ms

Docker-based deployment

Enter the folder and execute:

cd nr-rfsim

This will create multiple nrUE containers with different user profiles:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                        PORTS                                         NAMES
7584d6247672   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nr-ue:v2.1.0     "/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/…"   54 seconds ago       Up 49 seconds (healthy)                                                     rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue-1
95cbbcc7a199   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nr-ue:v2.1.0     "/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/…"   About a minute ago   Up 59 seconds (healthy)                                                     rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue-0

Similarity, you could login to the UE containers through docker exec -it rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue-0 bash to verify the connectivity.

To undeploy the UE containers:


Step 3 Deploy and Connect the gNB with a nRT-RIC

Follow this guide to deploy the OSC near-RT RIC and adapt the gNB config accordingly.

Compile and Deploy a 5G network w/ SDRs (USRP B210s)


Run the compilation command: ./build_oai -I --gNB --nrUE --build-ric-agent -w USRP --ninja

This command has used the option -w USRP instead of -W SIMU


Similar to the RF SIM deployment, but use the nr-usrp config folder. Remove the rfsim argument when running the gNB and nrUE.

Exploitation Testing

OAI-5G ( contains two branches for demonstrating a number of Layer-3 attacks (see and the 5G-Spector paper for the options). They can run on both LTE networks and 5G networks.

To get started, clone the OAI-5G repo:

git clone attack-OAI
cd attack-OAI

For LTE networks:

git checkout lte.attack
cd cmake_targets
./build_oai --UE -w SIMU --ninja --noavx512

For 5G networks, run:

git checkout nr.attack.v2.1.0
cd cmake_targets
./build_oai --nrUE -w SIMU --ninja --noavx512

You can then use the script to run the attacks, by specifying the attack parameters. Before that, you need to configure the _oai_attack_root to point to the exploit OAI folder you just now cloned. Next you can run the attacks with the script, for example:

./ rfsim nr-attack --bts-attack 300 --bts-delay 100

Below are the supported attack parameters:

Attack Example Parameters Description
BTS Resource Depletion --bts-attack <level> --bts-delay <delay> [--rrc-911] --bts-attack >= 5: create unique IMSI for each attack session
--bts-delay <delay>: specify the delay in ms for each attack session
--rrc-911: boolean argument to specify emergency attachment
Blind DoS --blind-dos-attack <level> --RRC-TMSI <tmsi> --blind-dos-attack == 1: launch blind DoS attack
--RRC-TMSI <tmsi>: specify the TMSI (decimal) value used for UE attachment
Downlink DoS --dnlink-dos-attack <level> dnlink-dos-attack == 1: Variant 1: replace Authentication Request with Registration Reject
Uplink DoS --uplink-dos-attack <level> uplink-dos-attack == 1: Variant 1: encode service request with invalid MAC
Null Cipher & Integrity --null-cipher-integ <level> null-cipher-integ == 1: Variant 1: overwrite RRC security mode to null cipher & null integrity
Downlink IMSI Extraction --dnlink-imsi-extr <level> dnlink-imsi-extr == 1: Variant 1: replacing Authentication Request with Identity Request (IMSI)
Uplink IMSI Extraction --uplink-imsi-extr <level> uplink-imsi-extr == 1: Variant 1: insert invalid S-TMSI in registration request

Vendor-Agnostic E2 Agent

We are currently working towards a fully vendor-agnostic E2 agent that works with any gNB vendors and versions. Please stay tuned.