A simple GUI-based password vault that securely stores passwords, checks their strength, and prevents password reuse. It uses AES encryption to store passwords safely in a vault file.
- Secure Password Storage using AES encryption
- Password Strength Analysis (checks length, complexity, and common patterns)
- Password Reuse Detection
- Master Password Authentication
- Load and Save Password Vault
📦 PasswordVaultManager
┣ 📜 Main.java # Entry point for the application
┣ 📜 PasswordAnalyzer.java # Password strength & reuse checker
┣ 📜 PasswordEntry.java # Password storage object
┣ 📜 PasswordManager.java # Manages password list and storage
┣ 📜 PasswordVaultGUI.java # GUI interface
┣ 📜 VaultSerializer.java # Encryption & file handling
┗ 📜 README.md # Project documentation
Run the following command in the terminal:
javac Main.java PasswordAnalyzer.java PasswordEntry.java PasswordManager.java PasswordVaultGUI.java VaultSerializer.java
java Main
- Enter the Master Password
- Default:
- Default:
- Use the GUI to Add New Passwords
- Click "Add Password"
- Enter Site, Username, and Password
- The system will analyze password strength automatically.
- Save or Load Vault
- Use the "File" menu to save/load passwords securely.
- AES Encryption (128-bit)
- Encrypts stored passwords before saving them to
- Encrypts stored passwords before saving them to
- Automatic Password Strength Check
- Scores passwords 0-10 (Weak, Moderate, Strong)
- Flags common & weak passwords (e.g.,
- Prevents Password Reuse
- Warns if the password was used before
✔ Enhance password strength scoring
✔ Support hashed master passwords
✔ Add password visibility toggle
✔ Store vault in a database instead of a file