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Releases: 4np/grails-uploadr


08 Dec 22:35
@4np 4np
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Version 1.1.0 adds support for Bootstrap (#29 - by suggestion of ortimanu) and the demo is now also optimized for Bootstrap. CSS has been rewritten as SCSS which means the plugin now dependes on the sass-asset-pipeline plugin.

This version also allows more interation with an already initialized uploadr by changing configuration options (#34 - thanks redwoodswede), for example to change the allowed extenstions to only allow pngs:

$('.uploadr[name=myUploadr]').data('uploadr').set('allowedExtensions', 'png');

Version 1.0.0

27 Jul 16:00
@4np 4np
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Version 1.0.0 drops support for the Grails resources plugin in favor of the Asset Pipeline plugin (default as of Grails 2.4 - resolves #26).
The previous versions of the uploadr also had a dependency on the modernizr plugin to display a warning when the browser did not support the HTML5 drag & drop API. I have decided to drop the dependency
and have the developer implement their own compliancy validation. Mainly because the modernizr plugin is not -yet- compatible witht the asset pipeline, but also because that responsbility probably
lies with the developer; you probably would have already wanted to implemented some sort of check anyways because in general your would not have wanted your users to end
up in a warning page.

Plugin assets

<asset:javascript src="uploadr.manifest.js"/>
<asset:stylesheet href="uploadr.manifest.css"/>

Demo tag

To view the demo you now need to load the demo assets and execute the demo tag:

    <asset:javascript src="uploadr.manifest.js"/>
    <asset:javascript src="uploadr.demo.manifest.js"/>
    <asset:stylesheet href="uploadr.manifest.css"/>
    <asset:stylesheet href="uploadr.demo.manifest.css"/>


28 Jan 18:10
@4np 4np
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Added support for defining the maximum number of concurrent file uploads, and how to handle file uploads that exceed this maximum number (by request of viseth, #22)

<uploadr:add … maxConcurrentUploads="2" maxConcurrentUploadsMethod="pause">

Two (optional) new parameters have been added to support upload concurrency. The maxConcurrentUploads parameter takes an integer where 0 means 'unlimited', and the maxConcurrentUploadsMethod parameter can be either 'pause' (default) or 'cancel'. When it is set to pause, all file uploads that exceed the maximum number of concurrent file uploads will be paused and be resumed whenever an upload slot is available. If set to cancel, any file upload that exceeds the maximum number of concurrent file uploads will be aborted. In the case of the latter the file should be re-uploaded when other running file upload(s) have finished (and uploads slots have been freed up).

Three new i18n strings have been added as well:

uploadr.error.maxConcurrentUploadsExceededSingular=Only 1 upload at a time allowed, please retry when the other upload is finished
uploadr.error.maxConcurrentUploadsExceededPlural=Only %d concurrent uploads allowed, please retry when the other uploads are finished


12 Nov 22:03
@4np 4np
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fixed security flaw #21 in the default file download action where it was possible to use a path traversal attack. Everybody is advised to upgrade to! (Again, thanks to Murf80 for reporting this issue!)