DSpace-CRIS release 2023.02.06
2635 commits
to main-cris
since this release
This version, released on the 7th November 2024, provides alignment with DSpace 7.6.2 tag.
Key Enhancements
- Alignment with DSpace 7.6.2 tag. See DSpace 7.6.2 release notes for further information.
- The administrator bar is enriched for Community and Collection admin with the following options:
- New
- for creating subcommunities, collections and item
- Edit
- for editing communities, subcommunities, collections and items
- Import
- Export
- Admin Search
- Processes
- New
- The homepage top-section layout has been refactored to allow different configurable layouts. This includes options for an image-based layout, a slider with cards, or the existing default layout.
- The handling of translated metadata labels in the CRIS layout has been improved.
- For plain metadata the first available label among the following ones is shown:
- the i18n-label layout.field.label.<ENTITY_TYPE>.[] (new format, with square brackets)
- the i18n-label layout.field.label.<ENTITY_TYPE>. (old format, without square brackets) as first fallback
- the i18n-label layout.field.label.[] (new format, with square brackets) as second fallback
- the i18n-label layout.field.label. as third fallback (where is the value in the LABEL column)
- the label (this.field.label) value, not translated, as fourth fallback
- For nested metadata the following label is used, if available, otherwise the label for the plain metadata is used as fallback:
- the i18n-label layout.field.label.<ENTITY_TYPE>.NESTED[]
- For bitstreams the following label is used:
- the i18n-label layout.field.label.<ENTITY_TYPE>.BITSTREAM[] (where is the value in the VALUE column)
- the i18n-label layout.field.label.<ENTITY_TYPE>.BITSTREAM
The cris-layout-configuration.xls file has been updated accordingly.
- For plain metadata the first available label among the following ones is shown:
- Added possibility to route network requests to different DSpace REST API URL during SSR
- Performance Improvements:
- Prevents rendering of context-menu during SSR
- Optimized menu resolver in order to not make metadata script requests if no necessary
- Optimized search results by including follow links
- Optimized search results by avoiding rendering On Server Side by default
- Use preventMetadataSecurity projection as default for browse and search component. Before this update the projection was used only for the mydspace page
- Improved search/mydspace page to better fetch data and follow authority for objects which are not item. Due to the bug the requests to fetch all the items related to metadata authority in a search result list are done only for item objects. Now it work also for all the objects shown by the mydspace (workspace, workflow, workflow tasks)
Minor changes
- The thumbnail component has been standardized to verify that the thumbnail format is valid (i.e., not unknown) and that the thumbnail does not exceed the predefined size. From now the configuration option cris.layout.thumbnail.maxsize and its logic is valid for every thumbnail.
- Improved the text in tool-tips for Workflow process buttons
- Improved the behavior of buttons in Supervision popup: the value can be introduced by Selecting/Deselecting the person to which assign the Supervision Order
- When creating a new policy for an item, the field The eperson or group that will be granted the permission is now non-editable and the value can be introduced by Selecting/Deselecting the person or group to which grant the permission
- Added feature to configure descriptive text for dropdown in the submission form, to allow a description to appear once the item in the dropdown is selected
- During the handling of an item, the entity Type metadata is copied from the owning collection if it is null
- The forgot password link on the log in screens is now removable. New property user.forgot-password added on REST settings
- Resolved the improper error occurring when editing the End User Agreement form UI
- Added a new environmental setting that allow to hide the item badges in the results list for browses and search
- Update the CMS template during editing to ensure that changes are visible in all languages after saving
- Corrected the typo in the path used for the OAI import script that caused an error on List Records for every Metadata Format page in OAI-PMH
- Improved the clarity of the button function on Template Item page by changing the Cancel button into Back
- Implemented metadata generator for template item which allow to fill a metadata with the submitter's profile name
- Add option to skip type binding for modal’s forms. Skip type bind in bitstream metadata editing in submission.
- Disable grobid in CI as we cannot update to the latest version - v0.8.0
- To resolve cache issues in visualizing edits, the behavior of the item resolver was changed by avoiding taking an existing cached response and fetching a new request for the item object during the CSR
- When an administrator user visits the page of a withdrawn item, the button “Take me to the home page" won’t be displayed
- Anonymous and bot Cache for SSR are now disabled by default
- Added a link in the user menu that leads to the processes page launched by the user itself
- Enable audit menu for Community and Collection Admins
- The button for top community creation becomes visible only to system administrators
- Restrict personal metadata information by default for Person entity
- In MyDSpace, the entity list of available submissions is now ordered alphabetically for all languages set up inside the default-app-config.ts
- Fix DOI templates for exporting the datacite XML
- Added a “Generator” meta tag with the CRIS version
- The IndexClient has been improved as follows
- the -i option is now able to process also uuid related to item in workspace or workflow
- a new -t option has been introduced to specify which indexable object type should be processed (ClaimedTask, PoolTask, Item, Collection, Community, MetadataField, WorkspaceItem, XmlWorkflowItem
- DSpace objects expose uniqueType attribute
- Reduced log noise from the third-party library
- Improved error handling of the item correction functionality
- Technical alignment of json files for translations
- Added ds-metric-badges and ds-metric-donuts metrics for components ds-person-search-result-list-element, ds-org-unit-search-result-list-element, ds-project-search-result-list-element, ds-journal-search-result-list-element to show metrics in search results for different entity types
- Improves the open/close behavior of the related-items popover. A StickyPopoverDirective is created to manage a sticky popover using NgbPopover. It keeps the popover open when the mouse is over its content and closes it when the mouse leaves
- Implemented functionality to display errors present inside the bitstream form in the upload section. If some metadata related to the uploaded files are missing or don’t pass the validation a generic error message will be displayed under the related file. In case of errors inside the bitstream form it will be impossible to proceed in saving the form so that all the mandatory fields will be in need to be provided
- Made a change to avoid API calls to the correction feature if such feature is disabled
- Implement the accessStatus endpoint using the automatic metadata
- Now Community/collection logo is created with the same policies as its parent dspace object
Bug fixes
- Resolved the issue of the MyDSpace Export per Type not finding any item by adding to the discovery configurations (workspace, supervisedWorkspace, otherworkspace, workflow ) the filter for the entity types
- Fixed the method to return unaltered links if external, as from specific and integration tests
- Fixed issue of Exporting bitstream's metadata is not found on the submission form for the parent item
- Fixed the (sometimes) missing import and export sections in administrator bar
- Fix the behavior of the Back button in the Bulk import page
- Fixes unwanted home-page redirect from profile page
- Fixed issue that occurred when math formulas included syntax that could be interpreted as markdown delimiters
- Sharing pages on social media now correctly shows a thumbnail
- Fix bulk export not working for certain entity type
- Added the missing title prefix label in full view on the Event item page
- Fix issue with consents for optional services selection not being reflected in cookies.
- Fixed the issue of the navigation bar and footer becoming non-clickable on the Import page
- Added the Authority label and refined the visualization of the table in Template item page
- Fixed the triggering of fake error messages when data was input and then deleted from a non-required nested field
- Fixed an issue that prevented the user to look at cookies settings by clicking on the footer link if no cookie preferences have been chosen yet
- Minor Scripts Improvements (solr-resync and item-enhancer-poller)
- Filtering on a search result by clicking on the chart now works in every situation
- Fixed ADS integration identifier metadata
- Fixed issue with wrong script parameter when using the bulk import
- Fixed margin between breadcrumb and tabs selector in item pages
- Fixed wrong error code response on rest endpoints
- Fixed cache issue with list of exposed rest properties
- Fixed Potential NPE in the ItemEnhancer poller
- Fixed performance, configuration and implementation of the prevent metadata security projection
- Fixed the ngx-mask version in order to avoid possible build errors
- Fixed issue with displayed errors of radio/check boxed in the submission form
- Added metadata crisfund.award.uri in the registry to deposit Funding
- Fixed an issue where the iiif viewer was always displaying the first file of an Item, with no way to display another file of the same item
- Fixed overlapping between authors and abstract in relation items
- Fixed text appearance in registration form
- Fix bug that led to Handle identifiers to not be resolved using the /handle/ url and any other resolution strategy
- Fixed the discovery indexes based on virtual metadata, which was indexing items before new virtual metadata was generated causing out-of-date state and inconsistent discovery filters
- Fixed wrong authorization evaluation for processes run directly from the application
- Fixed the condition of the solr filter query used by the browse endpoint which prevented to retrieve the entire list of results for collection admins belonging to different communities
- Fixed locale working badly for timezone with negative UTC offset
- Fixed redirect on SSR and refactored code in lucky-search
- Fixed the gap between the breadcrumb and tab detail button
- Fixed CMS editing, so that changes in the editor are visible in all languages after saved
- Fixed issue with process notification pop-up which hung on forever even though the process was finished
- Fixed issue with wrong sorting criteria applied when switching between different relation tabs in the item page