Before use this tool, first you should login to ngrok account in this link:
After that, run this script:
For termux:
$apt install git
$git clone
$cd Ngrok-Installer
$cd Termux
To usage:
$ngrok authtoken (your authtoken on your ngrok dashboard)
For help:
$ngrok help
For start a HTTP tunnel on port 8080:
$apachectl start
$ngrok http 8080
For update:
$ngrok update
If you have reconnecting problem, turn on your mobile hotspot or use vpn
If you want configuring Apache, Apache main configuration is located in $PREFIX/etc/apache2
If you want modify an index.html, this file is stored in $PREFIX/share/apache2/default-site/htdocs
For linux:
#apt install git -y (for Linux based on Debian)
#yum install git -y (for Linux based on Red Hat)
#zypper install git (for Linux based on SUSE)
#pacman -S git (for Linux based on Arch)
#apk add git (for Alpine)
#git clone
#cd Ngrok-Installer
#cd Linux
To usage:
#ngrok authtoken (your authtoken on your ngrok dashboard)
For help:
#ngrok help
For start a HTTP tunnel on port 80:
#sudo service apache2 start
#ngrok http 80
For update
#ngrok update
If you want configuring Apache, Apache main configuration is located in /etc/apache2
If you want modify an index.html, this file is stored in /var/www/html
For Windows:
Download and install Git Bash in this link
Download and install WinRAR in this link
Download and install Apache in this link
git clone
cd Ngrok-Installer
cd Windows
How to usage:
ngrok authtoken (your authtoken on your ngrok dashboard)
For help:
ngrok help
For start a HTTP tunnel on port 80:
Extract httpd which file you downloaded before with WinRAR
Add httpd extracted directory\httpd-(version)\Apache(version)\bin and C:\ngrok into path environment variable
Open Command Prompt
ngrok http 80
For update:
ngrok update
If you want configuring Apache, Apache main configuration is located in httpd extracted directory\httpd-(version)\Apache(version)\conf
If you want modify an index.html, this file is stored in httpd extracted directory\httpd-(version)\Apache(version)\htdocs