This python package builds a macOS Application bundle for a python/tkinter app. It embeds the frameworks built by the 3-manifolds frameworks project within the app.
To get started, by building a simple example app, run this command:
python3 -m bundle_app.init Silly
This will create a directory named silly which serves as a development directory for the app. In particular, the script is what runs your app. To create your silly app, do:
cd silly python3 -m
When you build your real app you will want to replace the icon file with one designed for your app and edit so that it runs your app. You may create a Requirements.txt file in the development directory to specify pypi packages which should be installed within the embedded python framework. You may also edit info.toml and the sdef file to suit your needs.
To add pypi packages to your app, add a standard requirements.txt file to the development directory and run:
python3 -m bundle_app.add_packages
To remove unnecessary components and reduce the size of your app bundle, first edit the file superfluous.txt and then run:
python3 -m bundle_app.streamline