This is a signed and notarized macOS app which runs Sage 9.4, either in a terminal window or a Jupyter notebook. It should install without issues on Apple computers running macOS Sierra (10.12) or newer. The compiled code in the app is compatible with all of the CPUs that are supported by those OS releases. It is also reported to work with Apple's Intel emulator on M1-based Apple systems.
To install, download the disk image SageMath-9.4.dmg in the assets below, open it, and drag the SageMath-9-4 icon to the Applications folder as indicated. Then double-click the included Recommended_9_4.pkg file to install some helpful extras.
The app behaves similarly to Apple's Launchpad; it launches an instance of Sage and then exits. You can drag the icon to the dock and use it to launch Sage at any time. It includes a working tkinter module, which is used to provide the GUI for launching Sage. The magic command %pip can be used at the sage prompt to install additional packages via pip. These packages will be installed in the user's ~/.sage directory.
The Recommended_9_4.pkg creates an executable named /usr/local/bin/sage which can be used to run sage from a script or shell and a Jupyter kernel specification in /usr/local/share which will be recognized by apps that launch Jupyter or JupyterLab. Note that the -i option is not supported by the sage executable. Users who need to install optional packages with sage -i should build sage from source.
Please report any crash, failure, or other problem as a GitHub issue.
The disk image SageMath-9.4.dmg in the assets below is 816 MB and expands to 2.8 GB when installed. Its MD5 hash is e56b6e211bcbd3da8e26dd7f73a783a5.