As a developer, you are given the task to replicate a picture as a website.
Do not clone this repository because we are going to be using a different template.
We recommend opening the html template repository
using a provisioning tool like Codespaces (recommended) or Gitpod. Alternatively you can clone it on your local computer using the git clone
This is the repository you need to open or clone:
Please follow these steps on how to start a coding project.
💡 Important: Remember to save and upload your code to GitHub by creating a new repository, updating the remote (git remote set-url origin <your new url>
), and uploading the code to your new repository using the add
, commit
and push
commands from the git terminal.
- Create a website that looks exactly like this one:
Click here to see the image bigger
Here you can watch each component separately:
Before starting to code, make a drawing of the website with all the bootstrap components you will be using. Use as many components as you can, you will probably reuse them for the rest of your life!
Once the components are identified, start with the navbar (from top to bottom) and try adapting the examples you find on the internet to what you are asked on the picture. Don't just copy and paste, understand and tweak, if you don't understand the names of the classes used in the component you will end up hitting a wall and being frustrated.
Use all the possible bootstrap utilities (helpers), take your time to read them all because it will make your life 99% easier.
The projects have to be 100% responsive using the bootstrap grid system.
You have the online lesson about bootstrap and the cheat sheet about bootstrap in the assets section. We also recommend Net Ninja's video tutorials on bootstrap.
- Clean the cache (always refresh with command+shift+R), using the incognito mode on Google Chrome.
- Look in google for solutions.
- Talk to the other students.
- Talk to senior developers you know.
- Talk to the mentors over slack.
Don't get frustrated and think you are not good at this: All the developers get stuck all the time, ask around! How do you know if you are good at something that you don't know? Coding is a science, facts matter and you have no facts.
Don't keep wandering around for hours without seeking help: Google is only as useful as you are good at googling, please speak to other students or your instructors.
Change strategy: Einstein once said, if you do the same stuff you will get the same results.
This and many other projects are built by students as part of the 4Geeks Academy Coding Bootcamp by Alejandro Sanchez and many other contributors. Find out more about our Full Stack Developer Course, and Data Science Bootcamp.