lightweight python plugin system supporting config inheritance
There is a full example at
Create the manager, for example in a module
import pluginmgr
# this is the namespace string that import uses
namespace = 'pluginmgr_test.plugins'
# directories to look in, string or list of strings
searchpath = 'path/to/search/in'
# determines if this should create a blank loader to import through. This
# should be enabled if there isn't a real module path for the namespace and
# disabled for sharing the namespace with static modules
# default is False
create_loader = False
plugin = pluginmgr.PluginManager(namespace, searchpath, create_loader)
Create and register a plugin, note the filename needs to be the same as registered name
from pluginmgr_test import plugin
# register a plugin named mod0
class Mod0(pluginmgr.PluginBase):
See the dict containing all registered plugins
from pluginmgr_test import plugin
# dict of all registered plugins