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building an e-commerce website using Slim PHP Framework

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Repository files navigation


customer and comments

  • if a customer deletes their account, the comments shouldn't be deleted. to implement that, the comment's customer foreign key can be null. Is that ok ? or will it produce issues ?

comments and products

  • on delete cascade

order and invoice

  • each order will reference its invoice and vice versa

customer and order (on customer delete functions)

  • if a customer deletes their account, customer should be warned in case of any undelivered orders.
  • after confirmation, customer's completed orders stay, pending orders gets canceled.

customer and address (on customer delete functions)

  • if the customer is deleted, their address should also be deleted

order item (on customer delete functions)

  • this entity is a weak entity, with the product and customer as defining entities
  • if the customer is deleted, the order item will be deleted
  • if the product is deleted, the order item will be deleted, notify the customer that we no longer sell this deleted product

warehouse and address

  • the program will allow the same address to be assigned to multiple warehouses in case there are multiple warehouses in the same area


  • on warehouse deletion cascade
  • on product deletion cascade


rule implementors
person (customer/admin) email must be unique across customers and admins tables CreatCustomerRequestValidator
a guest can't access admin pages AdminAuthorizationMiddleware
a customer can't access admin pages AdminAuthorizationMiddleware
any logged in client can't access any login or registration forms GuestMiddleware
for any person, max phone number length is 20 characters Customer & Admin entities

order status

  • Pending: The order has been received, but processing has not yet begun.
  • Processing: The order is being prepared for shipment, including tasks such as packaging and inventory verification.
  • Shipped: The order has been dispatched to the customer’s shipping address.
  • Out for Delivery: The order is with the courier or postal service, awaiting final delivery.
  • Delivered: The order has been successfully delivered to the customer.
  • Canceled: The order has been canceled by the customer or the e-commerce website.
  • Returned: The order has been returned to the seller due to customer dissatisfaction or other reasons.

invoice status

// TODO: check stripe payment gateway first

Currency representation

// TODO: check stripe



Heredoc & Nowdoc

  • Heredoc encloses the result in double quotes, meaning that it can have variables inside.
  • Nowdoc encloses the result in single quotes, it can NOT have variables inside.

Slim Framework


  • Each new middleware layer surrounds any existing middleware layers. The concentric structure expands outwardly as additional middleware layers are added.
  • The last middleware layer added is the first to be executed.


Doctrine database abstraction layer (DBAL) types

ORM meta-data using attributes

  • check attributes reference here

Why specify the "Entity" and "Table" attributes ??

  • Entity attribute is required, it marks a PHP class as an entity to be persisted in the DB
  • while Table attribute is optional, it describes the table the entity is persisted in

Migration version aliases

  • first - Migrate down to before the first version.
  • prev - Migrate down to before the previous version.
  • next - Migrate up to the next version.
  • latest - Migrate up to the latest version.

Relationships mapping mistake I made 😅

  • the problem was that the "foreign key" was of type VARCHAR not an INT in all tables
  • me: I knew where was the problem, I added the Column attribute which made the problem
  • chatGpt: That makes sense. The Column attribute should not be used on a property that represents a relationship to another entity, like ManyToOne. Using Column here can cause Doctrine to treat the property as a basic column instead of a foreign key reference, which led to the issue you encountered.
  • third migration corrected that mistake


HTML, files, MIME types

accepting a file in HTML form tag

  • I found that I need to define enctype attribute with value multipart/form-data to be able to send files to the server
  • but why is that ?? and what does the new terminology mean ?

talk about file size

  • if we want to validate that the uploaded file is five Megabytes
  • Megabytes = 5
  • Kilobytes = Megabytes * 1024
  • Bytes = Kilobytes * 1024

security when receiving files from the user

  • when receiving a file, you validate it
    • successful upload
    • size ?
    • name ?
    • type
  • but when it comes to types, the file type can be spoofed !! even the UploadedFileInterface->getClientMedaType function documentation tells you to not trust the output of this function

MIME types reference ?? you got it!

  • what are MIME types ?? (write it here for reference)
  • a reference by internet assigned numbers authority (iana) here

Cross-Site Resources Sharing (CORS) best practices

  • only enable CORS when necessary to minimize security risks
  • use specific origin whitelists rather than allowing access from all domains
  • limit the methods and headers allowed in CORS requests to reduce potential vulnerabilities

customer's secure connection

  1. configure cookie options:
    • httponly: only access the session using http (because it's accessible by js by default)
    • secure: HTTPS only, it's never sent on an insecure HTTP connection (except for localhost)
    • samesite:
  2. cross-site scripting (XSS) protection
  3. regenerate session id


recommended approach

  • Fetch and display the main data first, then activate filtering
  • take products' pagination for example, it's better to fetch and display products first, then activate filtering (by category, by price, etc..) and sorting (by release data, price, rating, etc....)
  • why this approach is better ?
    1. User experience: Displaying products first ensures that the client can see content immediately rather than waiting for filtering options to load.
    2. Data availability: It's better to make sure that data is accessible before activating filtering functionality, this way the application will be much efficient. If order is flipped, resources maybe wasted.

Project Future

  • make a dynamic attributes system (suggested by chatGPT)
  • advanced filtering (i5, i7 CPUs for laptops)
  • sub-categories (phones > [i-phone, Samsung, phone accessories])
  • Complaints system (using UI and emails)
  • sales tracking (store sales quantity)
  • advanced CMS
  • capacity for more employees (manger, supervisor, product manager, order manager)
  • order tracking
  • Maybe add the feature of archiving products, for data analysis sake.