Using python on my macbook with opencv and webcam
I will be using openCV 4.0 on my macbook air. I currently have sierra, however, you can use whatever version of OSX as long as its above Sierra.
Installing openCV is kind of a pain. make sure you have python and homebrew installed via terminal. also get pip.
#download the latest version of python: I use 3.6 for stability issues with older version of mac osx,
but it is entirely user prefrence:
and pick your version
#to install homebrew copy and paste this directly in terminal:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
#then to update and get wget to install pip:
brew update
brew install wget
#to install pip copy and paste this directly in terminal:
sudo python3
#now some people like to use virtual enviornments, however I have only had issues while trying to use them so I skipped it
and went straight on my mac for easeier functionality:
sudo pip install opencv-contrib-python
Now open CV is on your mac.
A few things I like to get installed before any code is:
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
pip install imutils
pip install transform
Now start making code!!