Tools for verifying Hedera smart contracts using standard open source libraries.
Make sure the repository submodule h5ai-nginx is present:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Apply the Hedera patch to the h5ai-nginx
submodule (execute this only once).
From the root of the project workspace:
- Run
npm ci
. This will create populate and linknode_modules
. cp environments/ environments/.env
- Make sure the following variables defined in
point to directories which exist on the file system:REPOSITORY_PATH, SOLC_REPO, SOLJSON_REPO
(paths relative to the environments/ directory) cp environments/example-docker-config.json environments/docker-config.json
- Adjust as needed. With local build, this is used by the repository container, which only needs the SERVER_URL
- Run
npx lerna bootstrap && npx lerna run build
. This will build the server and ui as well as needed libraries. - Run
docker-compose -f environments/build-repository.yaml build
. This will build the docker image for the repository service.
- Run
docker-compose -f environments/repository.yaml up -d
. This will start repository service. - Run
npm run server:start
. This will start the server. - In a different terminal, run
cd ui; npm run start
. This will start and bring up the UI.
This assumes the default ports (per are used:
Open http://localhost:10000
. This should open the Repository select-contract-form. The options available for the Chain should be the 3 Hedera networks (mainnet, testnet, previewnet).Open http://localhost:5002/chains
. This should return a JSON value containing the 3 Hedera networksOpen http://localhost:5555/files/contracts/296
. This should return a JSON value containing the addresses of all contracts verified on testnet (or report error "Contracts have not been found!" if nothing has been verified yet)Open http://localhost:3000
. This should bring up the Verifier page.
You can either use pre-built Docker images from the GitHub container repository or build the images locally.
cp environments/.env.docker.hedera environments/.env
- Adjust the configuration in
as follows:- Replace all occurrences of
by the fully qualified hostname if not running locally
- Replace all occurrences of
cp environments/example-docker-config.json environments/docker-config.json
- Adjust the URLs in
as needed
- Adjust the URLs in
- You may need to authenticate to the GitHub container registry at
using a personal access token as described here.
- Run
docker pull
- Run
docker pull
- Run
docker pull
- Then follow Run step below.
- Run
docker-compose -f environments/build-ui.yaml build
- Run
docker-compose -f environments/build-server.yaml build
- Run
docker-compose -f environments/build-repository.yaml build
- Run
docker-compose -f environments/docker-compose-hedera.yaml up -d repository server ui
Open http://localhost:1234
to bring up the Verifier page.
- Run
docker-compose -f environments/docker-compose-hedera.yaml down
To reset testnet:
docker exec server-latest /home/app/ testnet
To reset previewnet:
docker exec server-latest /home/app/ previewnet
- Make sure the variables HEDERA_NETWORK, OPERATOR_ACCOUNT_ID and OPERATOR_KEY are defined in
- Run
hedera start --network local -d
- Run
npm run server:start
- Run
npm run test:hedera
Moreover, to run the server tests against a local Ganache instance run
npm run test:server
Note that there is no need to spin up a Ganache instance separately. It is automatically started and stopped by the server test.
We use the
environment variable to enable Ganache as a local chain.
Under packages/
there are dependencies that are used by the verification services and need to be unit-tested separately.
To test them run cd packages/<package> && npm run test
The corresponding job that runs these tests in CI is unit-tests
The following tables describe the configuration items used by the different services
The ui service is a single page application based on React. As such, it cannot be configured by environment variables at runtime.
It reads it configuration from a file located at the following path: /usr/share/nginx/html/config.json
In deployment, the actual configuration can be provided to the container via a mount point.
Example contents for config.json
"EXPLORER_URL": "http://localhost:8080",
"JSON_IMPORT": false,
"OPEN_IN_REMIX": false,
The following properties can be provided in config.json
Name | Description |
URL of the server (from outside the cluster). |
HTTP port exposed by container |
URL of the mirror-node explorer |
URL of the header top left product logo (default is Hedera logo) |
URL of the terms-of-service document linked from bottom of page (default is no link) |
Flag to activate mode "Import from remote" (default is false) |
Flag to activate mode "Import from GitHub" (default is false) |
Flag to activate mode "Import from contract's metadata" (default is false) |
Flag to activate mode "Import contracts from Solidity's Standard JSON Input" (default is false) |
Flag to activate link "Open in Remix" (default is false) |
Flag to activate create2 verification (default is false) |
The following environment variables are needed by the server at runtime:
Name | Example value | Description |
/data | Path of the mount point of the verified contract repository (inside container) |
../../data/repository | Path of the verified contract repository (on host machine) |
/home/data/solc-bin/linux-amd64 | Path where Solidity compiler binaries will be saved (inside container) |
/home/data/solc-bin/soljson | Path where Solidity JS compilers will be saved (inside container) |
../../data/solc-bin/linux-amd64 | Path for the Solidity compiler binaries downloaded (on host machine) |
../../data/solc-bin/soljson | Path for the Solidity JS compilers downloaded (on host machine) |
80 | HTTP port used inside container |
5002 | HTTP port exposed by container |
UI_DOMAIN_NAME | | Fully qualified domain name of the host running the ui |
false | Flag to activate server API endpoints related to create2 {true, false} |
REPOSITORY_SERVER_URL | | URL of repository server (from outside the cluster) |
false | DO NOT CHANGE |
latest | Added to the docker image tags (e.g. ui-latest, server-latest, repository-latest) |
The repository service encompasses a single page application based on React and a web server.
Similar to the ui, the React part reads it configuration from a file located at the following path:
In deployment, the actual configuration can be provided to the container via the same mount point as the one provided to the ui, even though the only useful item for the repository is the following:"SERVER_URL": ""
value -
The web server part needs the following environment variables at runtime:
Name | Example value | Description |
../../data/repository | Path of the contract repository on the host. |
10000 | HTTP port exposed by container |
UI_DOMAIN_NAME | | Fully qualified domain name of the host running the ui |
false | DO NOT CHANGE |
latest | Added to the docker image tags (e.g. ui-latest, server-latest, repository-latest) |
The repo has Github Actions automation to generate docker images based on the latest changes in a branch.
To initiate the release for version x.y.z
simply checkout branch release/x.y
and run the following commands
git tag vx.y.z
git push origin vx.y.z
If you have a question on how to use the product, please see our support guide.
Contributions are welcome. Please see the contributing guide to see how you can get involved.
This project is governed by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].
Please do not file a public ticket mentioning the vulnerability. Refer to the security policy defined in the