Novett is an API for connecting to MySQL Database directly from Javascript Applications.
- connects with all MySQL servers.
- Simple, chainable, unambiguous API.
- Parsing and formatting for common and custom formats.
- Supports all MySQL query syntaxes.
API required parameters
$db_host \\Hostname of the remote server e.g
$db_portnumber \\Port number of the remote server e.g 3306
$db_name \\name of the database e.g db_test_name
$db_username \\username to access the database
$db_password \\password to access the database
$db_query_statement \\mysql query to run e.g SELECT name from USERS WHERE id = 3
AngularJS(1) code snippet
post : function(postData) {
return $http({
method : 'POST',
url : '',
data: $.param(postData),
headers:{'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
JQuery AJAX code snippet
$.getJSON(""+$getData, function(response){