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Bernhard Saumweber edited this page Jan 10, 2025 · 75 revisions


Many keywords only work in the retail version of this addon, for example partyfit, specializations, ratings, playstyles, warmode or mythic.


Keyword Type Description Example
activityname string Name of the activity (lowercased) activityname:find("arcway") ~= nil
voicechat string Name of the voice chat technology used. Also see the voice keyword. voicechat:find("discord") ~= nil
leader string Name of the leader of the group (lowercased). This value is empty for new groups. leader:find("arthas") ~= nil


Keyword Type Description Example
age integer Age of the group listing in minutes, rounded to the next smaller integer (floored) age <= 5
agesecs integer Age of the group listing in seconds agesecs <= 5
ilvl integer Required minimum PvE or PvP item level (depending on activity) as specified by the group leader ilvl >= 370
suggestedilvl integer Suggested item level for this activity as specified by Blizzard suggestedilvl >= 400
minlvl integer Minimum character level (not item level) needed for this activity as specified by Blizzard minlvl >= 110
hlvl integer Required minimum honor level as specified by the group leader hlvl == 0
myrealm boolean True if the leader of the group is from my realm. Does not work for new groups. mythic
voice boolean True if the group has voice chat, i.e. the voice chat string is not empty. Also see the voicechat keyword. voice
autoinv boolean True if the group automatically accepts invites. autoinv
harddeclined boolean True if the group hard-declined you previously, i.e. group leader clicked the X right to your name in the application list. not harddeclined
softdeclined boolean True if the group soft-declined you previously, i.e. your application timed out or group was delisted and listed again. not softdeclined
declined boolean True if the group soft- or hard-declined you previously. Same as (softdeclined or harddeclined). not declined
canceled boolean True if you canceled an application previously. not canceled

ℹ️ Following keywords require Retail

Keyword Type Description Example
partyfit boolean True if there are spots in the group for all of your party member roles. Also works if you are alone. partyfit
blfit boolean True if somebody in the group has bloodlust/heroism, or somebody in my party has bloodlust, or after joining, there is still an open dps or healer slot. Also works if you are alone. blfit
brfit boolean True if somebody in the group has battle rezz, or somebody in my party has battle rezz, or after joining, there is still an open slot. Also works if you are alone. brfit
warmode boolean True if the dungeon leader has warmode enabled. not warmode
playstyle integer Playstyle enumeration, see table below for detailed meaning per activity. playstyle == 3
earnconq boolean Equivalent to playstyle == 1, see table below for detailed meaning per activity. earnconq
learning boolean Equivalent to playstyle == 2, see table below for detailed meaning per activity. learning
beattimer boolean Equivalent to playstyle == 3, see table below for detailed meaning per activity. beattimer
push boolean Equivalent to playstyle == 3, see table below for detailed meaning per activity. push
horde boolean True if Horde group (leader is from faction Horde) horde
alliance boolean True if Alliance group (leader is from faction Alliance) alliance
crossfaction boolean True if group allows players from the other faction (only Horde/Alliance checkbox not ticked) crossfaction
hasbl boolean True if group has at least one class that provides Bloodlust/Heroism.ou may also use haslust or hashero. hasbl
hasbr boolean True if group has at least one class that provides a battle rezz. hasbr
dispells integer Number of dispels available. dispells >= 3


ℹ️ Requires Retail

Playstyle corresponds to the index in the goal dropdown when creating a new group and depends on the activity.

playstyle Dungeon Raids PvP
1 Standard Standard Earn Conquest
2 Completion Learning/Progression Learning
3 Beat Timer Quick Clear Increase Rating

Player info

ℹ️ Requires Retail

This section is about variables that are primarily related to the current player - you - and not just the group itself. The variables can be used to compare group stats with your stats or to select dungeons where you have a specific rating.

For example, you could use myilvl >= ilvl to select all groups where you do fulfill the item level requirement.

Or you could use mydungeonrating < 250 to select all groups running a mythic plus dungeon where your dungeon rating is less than 250, which is the required average for the keystone master achievement granting you a mount. To be more precise, you could also use myaffixrating < 125 instead which filters for groups running a mythic plus dungeon where your affix rating of this week's affix (tyrannical or fortified) is less than 125. You total dungeon rating is calculated by: (better affix rating) * 1.5 + (worse affix rating) * 0.5. That means if you scored 100 in the tyrannical week and 50 in the fortified week, your total rating (mydungeonrating) is 100 * 1.5 + 50 * 0.5 = 175.

Keyword Type Description
myilvl number My current item level
mypvpilvl number My current PvP item level
mymprating number My current mythic+ rating
myaffixrating number Current player's score of the current affix (tyrannical or fortified) of the listed dungeon.
mydungeonrating number Current player's score of the listed dungeon.
myavgaffixrating number Mean of current player's score of the current affix (tyrannical or fortified) of all mythic plus dungeons.
mymedianaffixrating number Median of current player's score of the current affix (tyrannical or fortified) of all mythic plus dungeons.
myavgdungeonrating number Mean of current player's score of all mythic plus dungeons.
mymediandungeonrating number Median of current player's score of all mythic plus dungeons.


ℹ️ Requires Retail

The ratings in this section are about the group leader and not about you.


Keyword Type Description
mprating integer overall mythic+ dungeon rating
mpmaprating integer rating for the current dungeon
mpmapmaxkey integer highest level done in the current dungeon
mpmapintime boolean if current dungeon was completed successfully
mpmapname string name of the current dungeon


ℹ️ Requires Retail

Keyword Type Description
pvprating integer PvP rating of group leader
pvptier integer PvP tier enumeration of group leader (normalized values)
pvptierx integer PvP tier enumeration of group leader (internal values)
pvptiername string translated name of PvP tier
pvpactivityname string name of current PvP activity

PvP Tier

The following table shows the relation between tier, tierx, tier name and rating.

pvptiername (English) pvptier pvptierx Rating
Unranked 0 0 -
Combatant I 1 1 1000
Combatant II 2 6 1200
Challenger I 3 2 1400
Challenger II 4 7 1600
Rival I 5 3 1800
Rival II 6 8 1950
Duelist 7 4 2100
Elite 8 5 2400


Keyword Type Description Example
defeated integer Number of defeated raid bosses (works only for raid listings) defeated == 0
noid boolean True if you don't have a lockout on this activity (killed no bosses, did not complete the dungeon). Also see fullid, partialid. noid
partialid boolean True if you have a partial (or full) lockout on this activity (cleared at least some bosses). Also see fullid, noid. partialid
fullid boolean True if you have a full lockout on this activity (cleared all bosses). Also see partialid, noid. fullid
matchingid boolean True if the group has defeated exactly the same bosses as you. matchingid
boss table A table that maps the localized boss name to a bool (true if encounter has been completed, false otherwise). This matches exactly the red colored encounter names in the group tooltip. not boss["wrathion"] for groups where Wrathion is not yet defeated (using an English client) or e.g. boss["Il'gynoth, die Wiedergeborene Verderbnis"] for groups where Il'gynoth is down (using a German client). Make sure you use straight quotation marks, not the curly ones from Word. You may type the name all-lowercase or exactly like in the group tooltip.
bossesmatching integer The number of matching defeated bosses. Example: you defeated A,B,C. The group defeated A,C,D. Then bossesmatching is 2 because you both killed A and C. bossesmatching >= 3
bossesahead integer The number of bosses which the group has defeated, but you don't. Example: you defeated A,B. The group defeated A,B,C. Then bossesahead is 1 because the group killed C (is one boss ahead of you). bossesahead < 1
bossesbehind integer The number of bosses which you have defeated, but not the group. Example: you defeated A,B,C. The group defeated A,C. Then bossesbehind is 1 because you killed C, but not the group (it is one boss behind you). bossesbehind < 1


Keyword Type Description Example
members integer Current number of group members members >= 2
friends integer Current number of friends, character friends and guild mates in the group friends > 0
tanks integer Current number of tanks in the group tanks == 0
heals integer Current number of heals in the group heals >= 1
dps integer Current number of damage dealers in the group dps < 3
melees 1 integer Number of melee DPS players in the group. melees < 3
ranged 1 integer Number of ranged DPS players in the group ranged < 3
maxplayers integer Maximum number of players that can be in a group or raid for this activity as specified by Blizzard maxplayers == 40

1 For the wrath version of this addon, there are two additional keywords ranged_strict and melee_strict, which exclude hunters, druids and shamans as real specialization do not yet exist, and thus we can only detect ranged vs melee based on class and role, which is ambigous for said classes. On retail both keywords are the same.


Keyword Type Description Example
plate integer Number of players with plate armor in the group plate < 3
mail integer Number of players with mail armor in the group mail < 3
leather integer Number of players with leather armor in the group leather == 1
cloth integer Number of players with cloth armor in the group cloth >= 2

Tier Token

ℹ️ Requires Retail

Keyword Type Description Example
dreadful integer Number of players on the dreadful tier token. dreadful <= 5
mystic integer Numb of players on the mystic tier token. mystic <= 5
venerated integer Number of players on the venerated tier token. venerated <= 5
zenith integer Numb of players on the zenith tier token. zenith <= 5


Keyword Type Description Example
deathknights integer Current number of deathknights in the group deathknights == 0
demonhunters integer Current number of demonhunters in the group demonhunters <= 4
druids integer Current number of druids in the group druids == 0
evokers integer Current number of evokers in the group evokers == 1
hunters integer Current number of hunters in the group hunters == 0
mages integer Current number of mages in the group mages == 0
monks integer Current number of monks in the group monks == 0
paladins integer Current number of paladins in the group paladins == 0
priests integer Current number of priests in the group priests == 0
rogues integer Current number of rogues in the group rogues == 0
shamans integer Current number of shamans in the group shamans > 2
warlocks integer Current number of warlocks in the group warlocks == 0
warriors integer Current number of warriors in the group warriors == 0

Class Roles

Keyword Type Description Example
paladin_dps, dps_paladins integer Current number of paladins with damage dealer role in the group. Also works for all other classes. dps_paladins == 0
paladin_heals, heal_paladins integer Current number of paladins with healer role in the group. Also works for all other classes. paladin_heals == 0
paladin_tanks, tank_paladins integer Current number of paladins with protection role in the group. Also works for all other classes. paladin_tanks == 0
deathknight_tanks, tank_deathknights integer Current number of death knights with protection role in the group. Also works for all other classes. deathknight_tanks <= 2
<class>_<role>s, <role>_<class>s integer Current number of with role in the group.


ℹ️ Requires Retail

You can filter for specializations by using e.g. vengeance_demonhunters <= 2 to show only groups with less than or equal two Vengeance Demon Hunters. This works for any type of premade group (dungeon, raid, PvP, ...) even if the tooltip does not list the specializations.

To remove groups with Augmentation Evokers, use augs == 0.

Keyword Type Description
blood_deathknights integer Number of Blood Deathknights in the group.
frost_deathknights integer Number of Frost Deathknights in the group.
unholy_deathknights integer Number of Unholy Deathknights in the group.
havoc_demonhunters integer Number of Havoc Demonhunters in the group.
vengeance_demonhunters integer Number of Vengeance Demonhunters in the group.
balance_druids integer Number of Balance Druids in the group.
feral_druids integer Number of Feral Druids in the group.
guardian_druids integer Number of Guardian Druids in the group.
restoration_druids integer Number of Restoration Druids in the group.
devastation_evokers integer Number of Devastation Evokers in the group.
preservation_evokers integer Number of Preservation Evokers in the group.
augmentation_evokers, augs integer Number of Augmentation Evokers in the group.
beastmastery_hunters integer Number of Beastmastery Hunters in the group.
marksmanship_hunters integer Number of Marksmanship Hunters in the group.
survival_hunters integer Number of Survival Hunters in the group.
holy_paladins integer Number of Holy Paladins in the group.
protection_paladins integer Number of Protection Paladins in the group.
retribution_paladins integer Number of Retribution Paladins in the group.
discipline_priests, discs integer Number of Discipline Priests in the group.
holy_priests integer Number of Holy Priests in the group.
shadow_priests integer Number of Shadow Priests in the group.
arcane_mages integer Number of Arcane Mages in the group.
fire_mages integer Number of Fire Mages in the group.
frost_mages integer Number of Frost Mages in the group.
brewmaster_monks integer Number of Brewmaster Monks in the group.
windwalker_monks integer Number of Windwalker Monks in the group.
mistweaver_monks integer Number of Mistweaver Monks in the group.
assassination_rogues integer Number of Assassination Rogues in the group.
outlaw_rogues integer Number of Outlaw Rogues in the group.
subtlety_rogues integer Number of Subtlety Rogues in the group.
elemental_shamans integer Number of Elemental Shamans in the group.
enhancement_shamans integer Number of Enhancement Shamans in the group.
restoration_shamans integer Number of Restoration Shamans in the group.
affliction_warlocks integer Number of Affliction Warlocks in the group.
demonology_warlocks integer Number of Demonology Warlocks in the group.
destruction_warlocks integer Number of Destruction Warlocks in the group.
arms_warriors integer Number of Arms Warriors in the group.
fury_warriors integer Number of Fury Warriors in the group.
protection_warriors integer Number of Protection Warriors in the group.


Keyword Type Difficulty
normal boolean normal
heroic boolean heroic
mythic boolean mythic
mythicplus boolean mythicplus
arena2v2 boolean 2v2 arena or skirmish
arena3v3 boolean 3v3 arena or skirmish


Filter by specific dungeons. Please note that when searching for a single raid, the default search bar above the group listing is a better filter. It applies a server side filter instead of just filtering the local results.

Keyword Type Expansion Raid
ubrs boolean Classic Upper Blackrock Spire
zg boolean Classic Zul'Gurub
mc boolean Classic Molten Core
aq20 boolean Classic Ahn'Qiraj Ruins
bl boolean Classic Blackwing Lair
aq40 boolean Classic Ahn'Qiraj Temple
kara boolean TBC Karazhan
gruul boolean TBC Gruul's Lair
mag boolean TBC Magtheridon's Lair
za boolean TBC Zul'Aman
ssc boolean TBC Serpentshrine Cavern
tk boolean TBC Tempest Keep
hyjal boolean TBC Hyjal Past
bt boolean TBC Black Temple
swp boolean TBC The Sunwell Plateau
naxx boolean Wrath/Classic Naxxramas
os boolean Wrath The Obsidian Sanctum
voa boolean Wrath Vault of Archavon
eoe boolean Wrath The Eye of Eternity
uld boolean Wrath Ulduar
toc boolean Wrath Trial of the Crusader
icc boolean Wrath Icecrown Citadel
ony boolean Wrath/Classic Onyxia's Lair
rs boolean Wrath Ruby Sanctum
bara boolean Cata Baradin Hold
bwd boolean Cata Blackwing Descent
bot boolean Cata The Bastion of Twilight
tfw boolean Cata Throne of the Four Winds
fl boolean Cata Firelands
ds boolean Cata Dragon Soul
msv boolean Mists Mogu'shan Vaults
hof boolean Mists Heart of Fear
toes boolean Mists Terrace of Endless Spring
tot boolean Mists Throne of Thunder
soo boolean Mists Siege of Orgrimmar
hm boolean WoD Highmaul
brf boolean WoD Blackrock Foundry
hfc boolean WoD Hellfire Citadel
en boolean Legion Emerald Nightmare
nh boolean Legion Nighthold
tov boolean Legion Trial of Valor
tosg boolean Legion Tomb of Sargeras raid (was tos)
atbt boolean Legion Antorus, the Burning Throne
uldir boolean BfA Uldir
bod/daz boolean BfA Battle of Dazar'alor
cs/cru boolean BfA Crucible of Storms
ete/tep boolean BfA Eternal Palace
nya/ny boolean BfA Ny'alotha, the Waking City
cn boolean Shadowlands Castle Nathria
sod boolean Shadowlands Sanctum of Domination
sfo boolean Shadowlands Sepulcher of the First Ones
voti boolean Dragonflight Vault of the Incarnates
asc boolean Dragonflight Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
atdh boolean Dragonflight Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
np boolean The War Within Nerub-ar Palace
lou boolean The War Within Liberation of Undermine


Filter by specific dungeons. Please note that when searching for a single dungeon, the default search bar above the group listing is a better filter. It applies a server side filter instead of just filtering the local results.

The War Within Season 2 Mythic+

Keyword Type Dungeon
brew boolean Cinderbrew Meadery
dfc boolean Darkflame Cleft
psf boolean Priory of the Sacred Flame
rook boolean The Rookery
fg boolean Operation: Floodgate
top boolean Theater of Pain
ml boolean The MOTHERLODE!!
work boolean Operation: Mechagon - Workshop
twws2 boolean Any season 2 dungeon

The War Within Season 1 Mythic+

Keyword Type Dungeon
arak boolean Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
cot boolean City of Threads
dawn boolean The Dawnbreaker
sv boolean The Stonevault
mists boolean Mists of Tirna Scithe (Shadowlands)
nw boolean The Necrotic Wake (Shadowlands)
siege boolean Siege of Boralus (Battle for Azeroth)
gb boolean Grim Batol (Cataclysm)
twws1 boolean Any season 1 dungeon

Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic+

Keyword Type Dungeon
aa boolean Algeth'ar Academy
av boolean The Azure Vault
no boolean The Nokhud Offensive
rlp boolean Ruby Life Pools
bh boolean Brackenhide Hollow
hoi boolean Halls of Infusion
nelt/nt boolean Neltharus
uld/lot boolean Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
dfs4 boolean Any season 4 dungeon

Dragonflight Season 3 Mythic+

Keyword Type Dungeon
fall boolean Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall
rise boolean Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise
wm boolean Waycrest Manor (Battle for Azeroth)
ad boolean Atal'Dazar (Battle for Azeroth)
dht boolean Darkheart Thicket (Legion)
brh boolean Black Rook Hold (Legion)
eb boolean The Everbloom (Warlords of Draenor)
tott boolean Throne of the Tides (Cataclysm)
dfs3 boolean Any season 3 dungeon

Dragonflight Season 2 Mythic+

Keyword Type Dungeon
bh boolean Brackenhide Hollow
hoi boolean Halls of Infusion
nelt/nt boolean Neltharus
uld/lot boolean Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
fh boolean Freehold (Battle for Azeroth)
undr/tur boolean Underrot (Battle for Azeroth)
nl boolean Neltharion's Lair (Legion)
vp boolean Vortex Pinnacle (Cataclysm)
dfs2 boolean Any season 2 dungeon

Dragonflight Season 1 Mythic+

Keyword Type Dungeon
aa boolean Algeth'ar Academy
av boolean The Azure Vault
no boolean The Nokhud Offensive
rlp boolean Ruby Life Pools
hov boolean Halls of Valor (Legion)
cos boolean Court of Stars (Legion)
sbg boolean Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (Warlords)
tjs boolean Temple of the Jade Serpent (Warlords)
dfs1 boolean Any season 1 dungeon

The War Within

Keyword Type Dungeon
arak boolean Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
brew boolean Cinderbrew Meadery
cot boolean City of Threads
dfc boolean Darkflame Cleft
dawn boolean The Dawnbreaker
psf boolean Priory of the Sacred Flame
rook boolean The Rookery
sv boolean The Stonevault


Keyword Type Dungeon
aa boolean Algeth'ar Academy
av boolean The Azure Vault
bh boolean Brackenhide Hollow
hoi boolean Halls of Infusion
lot boolean Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
no boolean The Nokhud Offensive
nt boolean Neltharus
rlp boolean Ruby Life Pools
doti boolean Dawn of the Infinite
fall boolean Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall
rise boolean Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise

Shadowlands Season 4 Mythic+

Keyword Type Dungeon
gd boolean Grimrail Depot
id boolean Iron Docks
lkara, lowr boolean Lower Karazhan
ukara, uppr boolean Upper Karazhan
opmj, yard boolean Operation: Mechagon - Junkyard
opmw, work boolean Operation: Mechagon - Workshop
tazs, strt boolean Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder
tazg, gmbt boolean Tazavesh: So'leah's Gambit
sls4 boolean Any season 4 dungeon


Keyword Type Dungeon
pf boolean Plaguefall
dos boolean De Other Side
hoa boolean Halls of Atonement
mots, mists boolean Mists of Tirna Scithe
sd boolean Sanguine Depths
soa boolean Spires of Ascension
nw boolean The Necrotic Wake
top boolean Theater of Pain
taz boolean Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
tazs, strt boolean Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder
tazg, gmbt boolean Tazavesh: So'leah's Gambit

Battle for Azeroth

Keyword Type Dungeon
ad boolean Atal'Dazar
fh boolean Freehold
kr boolean Kings' Rest
sob, siege boolean Siege of Boralus
sots boolean Shrine of the Storm
td boolean Tol Dagor
tml, ml boolean The MOTHERLODE
tos, tosl boolean Temple of Sethraliss
tur, undr boolean The Underrot
wm boolean Waycrest Manor
opm boolean Operation: Mechagon
opmj, yard boolean Operation: Mechagon - Junkyard
opmw, work boolean Operation: Mechagon - Workshop


Keyword Type Dungeon
eoa boolean Eye of Azshara
dht boolean Darkheart Thicket
nl boolean Neltharion's Lair
brh boolean Black Rook Hold
votw boolean Vault of the Wardens
cos boolean Court of Stars

Mists of Pandaria

Keyword Type Dungeon
gss boolean Gate of the Setting Sun
msp boolean Mogu'shan Palace
sch boolean Scarlet Halls
scholo boolean Scholomance
scm boolean Scarlet Monastery
snt boolean Siege of Niuzao Temple
spm boolean Shado-Pan Monastery
ssb boolean Stormstout Brewery
tjs boolean Temple of the Jade Serpent


Keyword Type Dungeon
bc boolean Blackrock Caverns
dm boolean Deadmines
et boolean End Time
gb boolean Grim Batol
hoo boolean Halls of Origination
hot boolean Hour of Twilight
sc boolean The Stonecore
sfk boolean Shadowfang Keep
tott boolean Throne of the Tides
tv boolean Lost City of the Tol'vir
vp boolean Vortex Pinnacle
woe boolean Well of Eternity
za boolean Zul'Aman
zg boolean Zul'Gurub


Filter by dungeons and raids of a specific expansion.

Keyword Type Expansion
classic boolean Classic
tbc boolean The Burning Crusade
wrath boolean Wrath of the Lich King
cata boolean Cataclysm
mists boolean Mists of Pandaria
wod boolean Warlords of Draenor
legion boolean Legion
bfa boolean Battle for Azeroth
sl boolean Shadowlands
df boolean Dragonflight
tww boolean The War Within

ℹ️ Requires Retail

Keyword Type Description
oce boolean True if the datacenter region of the group leader is Oceanic (Sydney)
chi boolean True if the datacenter region of the group leader is Chicago
la boolean True if the datacenter region of the group leader is Los Angeles
mex boolean True if the region of the group leader is Mexico
bzl boolean True if the region of the group leader is Brazil
region string Region code of the group leader, use with e.g. (region == nil or region == "mex")


Keyword Type Description Example
hasrio boolean True if the group leader has a profile hasrio
norio boolean True if the the group leader does not have a profile ( norio or rio > 500 )
rio integer ranking of the group leader rio > 500
rioprev integer ranking in previous season rioprev > 500
riomain integer ranking of main character riomain > 500
riomainprev integer ranking of main character in previous season riomainprev > 500
riowarband integer ranking of the warband riowarband > 500
riowarbandprev integer ranking of the warband in previous season riowarbandprev > 500
riokey4plus integer Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 4 or higher riokey4plus >= 5
riokey7plus integer Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 7 or higher riokey7plus >= 5
riokey10plus integer Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 10 or higher riokey10plus >= 5
riokey12plus integer Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 12 or higher riokey12plus >= 5
riokey15plus integer Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 15 or higher riokey15plus >= 5
riokeymax integer The maximum keystone level the group leader completed riokeymax >= 10
rionormalprogress integer The number of bosses killed in the current raid on normal difficulty (e.g. 2 means any two bosses killed) rionormalprogress > 0
rioheroicprogress integer The number of bosses killed in the current raid on heroic difficulty (e.g. 2 means any two bosses killed) rioheroicprogress > 0
riomythicprogress integer The number of bosses killed in the current raid on mythic difficulty (e.g. 2 means any two bosses killed) riomythicprogress > 0
riomainprogress integer The maximum number of bosses killed in the current raid on any difficulty with the main character (i.e. you are looking at a twink) riomainprogress > 0
rionormalkills table A table that contains the number of kills for each boss on normal difficulty rionormalkills[1] > 0 means first boss killed at least once
rioheroickills table A table that contains the number of kills for each boss on heroic difficulty rioheroickills[8] > 0 means 8th boss killed at least once
riomythickills table A table that contains the number of kills for each boss on mythic difficulty riomythickills[3] > 0 means third boss killed at least once

Application Status

Keyword Type Description Possible values
appstatus string Application status, usually "none" when not applied to the group. none, applied, cancelled, failed, declined, declined_full, declined_delisted, timedout, invited, inviteaccepted, invitedeclined
pendingstatus string Pending status (only set if waiting for all players in group to select a role and confirm sign up). (nil), applied, cancelled
appduration integer Number of seconds remaining until your application times out. Useful for sorting applied groups to the top with appduration desc. 0-300
apporder integer Number that can be used for sorting applications to the top with apporder desc. apporder is the resultID for applications and 0 for all other groups. 0-9999
isapp boolean True if you applied to this group, false otherwise. true, false


Keyword Type Description
activity integer Internal activity ID as used by Blizzard
categoryid integer Internal category ID as used by Blizzard
groupid integer Internal group ID as used by Blizzard
questid integer Internal quest ID as used by Blizzard