You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 40
Many keywords only work in the retail version of this addon, for example partyfit, specializations, ratings, playstyles, warmode or mythic.
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
activityname |
string | Name of the activity (lowercased) | activityname:find("arcway") ~= nil |
voicechat |
string | Name of the voice chat technology used. Also see the voice keyword. | voicechat:find("discord") ~= nil |
leader |
string | Name of the leader of the group (lowercased). This value is empty for new groups. | leader:find("arthas") ~= nil |
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
age |
integer | Age of the group listing in minutes, rounded to the next smaller integer (floored) | age <= 5 |
agesecs |
integer | Age of the group listing in seconds | agesecs <= 5 |
ilvl |
integer | Required minimum PvE or PvP item level (depending on activity) as specified by the group leader | ilvl >= 370 |
suggestedilvl |
integer | Suggested item level for this activity as specified by Blizzard | suggestedilvl >= 400 |
minlvl |
integer | Minimum character level (not item level) needed for this activity as specified by Blizzard | minlvl >= 110 |
hlvl |
integer | Required minimum honor level as specified by the group leader | hlvl == 0 |
myrealm |
boolean | True if the leader of the group is from my realm. Does not work for new groups. | mythic |
voice |
boolean | True if the group has voice chat, i.e. the voice chat string is not empty. Also see the voicechat keyword. | voice |
autoinv |
boolean | True if the group automatically accepts invites. | autoinv |
harddeclined |
boolean | True if the group hard-declined you previously, i.e. group leader clicked the X right to your name in the application list. | not harddeclined |
softdeclined |
boolean | True if the group soft-declined you previously, i.e. your application timed out or group was delisted and listed again. | not softdeclined |
declined |
boolean | True if the group soft- or hard-declined you previously. Same as (softdeclined or harddeclined) . |
not declined |
canceled |
boolean | True if you canceled an application previously. | not canceled |
ℹ️ Following keywords require Retail
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
partyfit |
boolean | True if there are spots in the group for all of your party member roles. Also works if you are alone. | partyfit |
blfit |
boolean | True if somebody in the group has bloodlust/heroism, or somebody in my party has bloodlust, or after joining, there is still an open dps or healer slot. Also works if you are alone. | blfit |
brfit |
boolean | True if somebody in the group has battle rezz, or somebody in my party has battle rezz, or after joining, there is still an open slot. Also works if you are alone. | brfit |
warmode |
boolean | True if the dungeon leader has warmode enabled. | not warmode |
playstyle |
integer | Playstyle enumeration, see table below for detailed meaning per activity. | playstyle == 3 |
earnconq |
boolean | Equivalent to playstyle == 1 , see table below for detailed meaning per activity. |
earnconq |
learning |
boolean | Equivalent to playstyle == 2 , see table below for detailed meaning per activity. |
learning |
beattimer |
boolean | Equivalent to playstyle == 3 , see table below for detailed meaning per activity. |
beattimer |
push |
boolean | Equivalent to playstyle == 3 , see table below for detailed meaning per activity. |
push |
horde |
boolean | True if Horde group (leader is from faction Horde) | horde |
alliance |
boolean | True if Alliance group (leader is from faction Alliance) | alliance |
crossfaction |
boolean | True if group allows players from the other faction (only Horde/Alliance checkbox not ticked) | crossfaction |
hasbl |
boolean | True if group has at least one class that provides Bloodlust/Heroism.ou may also use haslust or hashero . |
hasbl |
hasbr |
boolean | True if group has at least one class that provides a battle rezz. | hasbr |
dispells |
integer | Number of dispels available. | dispells >= 3 |
ℹ️ Requires Retail
Playstyle corresponds to the index in the goal dropdown when creating a new group and depends on the activity.
playstyle |
Dungeon | Raids | PvP |
1 | Standard | Standard | Earn Conquest |
2 | Completion | Learning/Progression | Learning |
3 | Beat Timer | Quick Clear | Increase Rating |
ℹ️ Requires Retail
This section is about variables that are primarily related to the current player - you - and not just the group itself. The variables can be used to compare group stats with your stats or to select dungeons where you have a specific rating.
For example, you could use myilvl >= ilvl
to select all groups where you do fulfill the item level requirement.
Or you could use mydungeonrating < 250
to select all groups running a mythic plus dungeon where your dungeon rating
is less than 250, which is the required average for the keystone master achievement granting you a mount.
To be more precise, you could also use myaffixrating < 125
instead which filters for groups running a mythic plus
dungeon where your affix rating of this week's affix (tyrannical or fortified) is less than 125. You total dungeon
rating is calculated by: (better affix rating) * 1.5 + (worse affix rating) * 0.5
. That means if you scored 100
in the tyrannical week and 50 in the fortified week, your total rating (mydungeonrating
) is 100 * 1.5 + 50 * 0.5 = 175
Keyword | Type | Description |
myilvl |
number | My current item level |
mypvpilvl |
number | My current PvP item level |
mymprating |
number | My current mythic+ rating |
myaffixrating |
number | Current player's score of the current affix (tyrannical or fortified) of the listed dungeon. |
mydungeonrating |
number | Current player's score of the listed dungeon. |
myavgaffixrating |
number | Mean of current player's score of the current affix (tyrannical or fortified) of all mythic plus dungeons. |
mymedianaffixrating |
number | Median of current player's score of the current affix (tyrannical or fortified) of all mythic plus dungeons. |
myavgdungeonrating |
number | Mean of current player's score of all mythic plus dungeons. |
mymediandungeonrating |
number | Median of current player's score of all mythic plus dungeons. |
ℹ️ Requires Retail
The ratings in this section are about the group leader and not about you.
Keyword | Type | Description |
mprating |
integer | overall mythic+ dungeon rating |
mpmaprating |
integer | rating for the current dungeon |
mpmapmaxkey |
integer | highest level done in the current dungeon |
mpmapintime |
boolean | if current dungeon was completed successfully |
mpmapname |
string | name of the current dungeon |
ℹ️ Requires Retail
Keyword | Type | Description |
pvprating |
integer | PvP rating of group leader |
pvptier |
integer | PvP tier enumeration of group leader (normalized values) |
pvptierx |
integer | PvP tier enumeration of group leader (internal values) |
pvptiername |
string | translated name of PvP tier |
pvpactivityname |
string | name of current PvP activity |
The following table shows the relation between tier, tierx, tier name and rating.
pvptiername (English) |
pvptier |
pvptierx |
Rating |
Unranked | 0 | 0 | - |
Combatant I | 1 | 1 | 1000 |
Combatant II | 2 | 6 | 1200 |
Challenger I | 3 | 2 | 1400 |
Challenger II | 4 | 7 | 1600 |
Rival I | 5 | 3 | 1800 |
Rival II | 6 | 8 | 1950 |
Duelist | 7 | 4 | 2100 |
Elite | 8 | 5 | 2400 |
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
defeated |
integer | Number of defeated raid bosses (works only for raid listings) | defeated == 0 |
noid |
boolean | True if you don't have a lockout on this activity (killed no bosses, did not complete the dungeon). Also see fullid, partialid. | noid |
partialid |
boolean | True if you have a partial (or full) lockout on this activity (cleared at least some bosses). Also see fullid, noid. | partialid |
fullid |
boolean | True if you have a full lockout on this activity (cleared all bosses). Also see partialid, noid. | fullid |
matchingid |
boolean | True if the group has defeated exactly the same bosses as you. | matchingid |
boss |
table | A table that maps the localized boss name to a bool (true if encounter has been completed, false otherwise). This matches exactly the red colored encounter names in the group tooltip. |
not boss["wrathion"] for groups where Wrathion is not yet defeated (using an English client) or e.g. boss["Il'gynoth, die Wiedergeborene Verderbnis"] for groups where Il'gynoth is down (using a German client). Make sure you use straight quotation marks, not the curly ones from Word. You may type the name all-lowercase or exactly like in the group tooltip. |
bossesmatching |
integer | The number of matching defeated bosses. Example: you defeated A,B,C. The group defeated A,C,D. Then bossesmatching is 2 because you both killed A and C. | bossesmatching >= 3 |
bossesahead |
integer | The number of bosses which the group has defeated, but you don't. Example: you defeated A,B. The group defeated A,B,C. Then bossesahead is 1 because the group killed C (is one boss ahead of you). | bossesahead < 1 |
bossesbehind |
integer | The number of bosses which you have defeated, but not the group. Example: you defeated A,B,C. The group defeated A,C. Then bossesbehind is 1 because you killed C, but not the group (it is one boss behind you). | bossesbehind < 1 |
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
members |
integer | Current number of group members | members >= 2 |
friends |
integer | Current number of Battle.net friends, character friends and guild mates in the group | friends > 0 |
tanks |
integer | Current number of tanks in the group | tanks == 0 |
heals |
integer | Current number of heals in the group | heals >= 1 |
dps |
integer | Current number of damage dealers in the group | dps < 3 |
melees 1
integer | Number of melee DPS players in the group. | melees < 3 |
ranged 1
integer | Number of ranged DPS players in the group | ranged < 3 |
maxplayers |
integer | Maximum number of players that can be in a group or raid for this activity as specified by Blizzard | maxplayers == 40 |
1 For the wrath version of this addon, there are two additional keywords ranged_strict
and melee_strict
which exclude hunters, druids and shamans as real specialization do not yet exist, and thus we can only detect
ranged vs melee based on class and role, which is ambigous for said classes. On retail both keywords are the same.
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
plate |
integer | Number of players with plate armor in the group | plate < 3 |
mail |
integer | Number of players with mail armor in the group | mail < 3 |
leather |
integer | Number of players with leather armor in the group | leather == 1 |
cloth |
integer | Number of players with cloth armor in the group | cloth >= 2 |
ℹ️ Requires Retail
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
dreadful |
integer | Number of players on the dreadful tier token. | dreadful <= 5 |
mystic |
integer | Numb of players on the mystic tier token. | mystic <= 5 |
venerated |
integer | Number of players on the venerated tier token. | venerated <= 5 |
zenith |
integer | Numb of players on the zenith tier token. | zenith <= 5 |
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
deathknights |
integer | Current number of deathknights in the group | deathknights == 0 |
demonhunters |
integer | Current number of demonhunters in the group | demonhunters <= 4 |
druids |
integer | Current number of druids in the group | druids == 0 |
evokers |
integer | Current number of evokers in the group | evokers == 1 |
hunters |
integer | Current number of hunters in the group | hunters == 0 |
mages |
integer | Current number of mages in the group | mages == 0 |
monks |
integer | Current number of monks in the group | monks == 0 |
paladins |
integer | Current number of paladins in the group | paladins == 0 |
priests |
integer | Current number of priests in the group | priests == 0 |
rogues |
integer | Current number of rogues in the group | rogues == 0 |
shamans |
integer | Current number of shamans in the group | shamans > 2 |
warlocks |
integer | Current number of warlocks in the group | warlocks == 0 |
warriors |
integer | Current number of warriors in the group | warriors == 0 |
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
paladin_dps , dps_paladins
integer | Current number of paladins with damage dealer role in the group. Also works for all other classes. | dps_paladins == 0 |
paladin_heals , heal_paladins
integer | Current number of paladins with healer role in the group. Also works for all other classes. | paladin_heals == 0 |
paladin_tanks , tank_paladins
integer | Current number of paladins with protection role in the group. Also works for all other classes. | paladin_tanks == 0 |
deathknight_tanks , tank_deathknights
integer | Current number of death knights with protection role in the group. Also works for all other classes. | deathknight_tanks <= 2 |
<class>_<role>s , <role>_<class>s
integer | Current number of with role in the group. |
ℹ️ Requires Retail
You can filter for specializations by using e.g. vengeance_demonhunters <= 2
to show only groups with
less than or equal two Vengeance Demon Hunters. This works for any type of premade group (dungeon, raid, PvP, ...)
even if the tooltip does not list the specializations.
To remove groups with Augmentation Evokers, use augs == 0
Keyword | Type | Description |
blood_deathknights |
integer | Number of Blood Deathknights in the group. |
frost_deathknights |
integer | Number of Frost Deathknights in the group. |
unholy_deathknights |
integer | Number of Unholy Deathknights in the group. |
havoc_demonhunters |
integer | Number of Havoc Demonhunters in the group. |
vengeance_demonhunters |
integer | Number of Vengeance Demonhunters in the group. |
balance_druids |
integer | Number of Balance Druids in the group. |
feral_druids |
integer | Number of Feral Druids in the group. |
guardian_druids |
integer | Number of Guardian Druids in the group. |
restoration_druids |
integer | Number of Restoration Druids in the group. |
devastation_evokers |
integer | Number of Devastation Evokers in the group. |
preservation_evokers |
integer | Number of Preservation Evokers in the group. |
augmentation_evokers , augs
integer | Number of Augmentation Evokers in the group. |
beastmastery_hunters |
integer | Number of Beastmastery Hunters in the group. |
marksmanship_hunters |
integer | Number of Marksmanship Hunters in the group. |
survival_hunters |
integer | Number of Survival Hunters in the group. |
holy_paladins |
integer | Number of Holy Paladins in the group. |
protection_paladins |
integer | Number of Protection Paladins in the group. |
retribution_paladins |
integer | Number of Retribution Paladins in the group. |
discipline_priests , discs
integer | Number of Discipline Priests in the group. |
holy_priests |
integer | Number of Holy Priests in the group. |
shadow_priests |
integer | Number of Shadow Priests in the group. |
arcane_mages |
integer | Number of Arcane Mages in the group. |
fire_mages |
integer | Number of Fire Mages in the group. |
frost_mages |
integer | Number of Frost Mages in the group. |
brewmaster_monks |
integer | Number of Brewmaster Monks in the group. |
windwalker_monks |
integer | Number of Windwalker Monks in the group. |
mistweaver_monks |
integer | Number of Mistweaver Monks in the group. |
assassination_rogues |
integer | Number of Assassination Rogues in the group. |
outlaw_rogues |
integer | Number of Outlaw Rogues in the group. |
subtlety_rogues |
integer | Number of Subtlety Rogues in the group. |
elemental_shamans |
integer | Number of Elemental Shamans in the group. |
enhancement_shamans |
integer | Number of Enhancement Shamans in the group. |
restoration_shamans |
integer | Number of Restoration Shamans in the group. |
affliction_warlocks |
integer | Number of Affliction Warlocks in the group. |
demonology_warlocks |
integer | Number of Demonology Warlocks in the group. |
destruction_warlocks |
integer | Number of Destruction Warlocks in the group. |
arms_warriors |
integer | Number of Arms Warriors in the group. |
fury_warriors |
integer | Number of Fury Warriors in the group. |
protection_warriors |
integer | Number of Protection Warriors in the group. |
Keyword | Type | Difficulty |
normal |
boolean | normal |
heroic |
boolean | heroic |
mythic |
boolean | mythic |
mythicplus |
boolean | mythicplus |
arena2v2 |
boolean | 2v2 arena or skirmish |
arena3v3 |
boolean | 3v3 arena or skirmish |
Filter by specific dungeons. Please note that when searching for a single raid, the default search bar above the group listing is a better filter. It applies a server side filter instead of just filtering the local results.
Keyword | Type | Expansion | Raid |
ubrs |
boolean | Classic | Upper Blackrock Spire |
zg |
boolean | Classic | Zul'Gurub |
mc |
boolean | Classic | Molten Core |
aq20 |
boolean | Classic | Ahn'Qiraj Ruins |
bl |
boolean | Classic | Blackwing Lair |
aq40 |
boolean | Classic | Ahn'Qiraj Temple |
kara |
boolean | TBC | Karazhan |
gruul |
boolean | TBC | Gruul's Lair |
mag |
boolean | TBC | Magtheridon's Lair |
za |
boolean | TBC | Zul'Aman |
ssc |
boolean | TBC | Serpentshrine Cavern |
tk |
boolean | TBC | Tempest Keep |
hyjal |
boolean | TBC | Hyjal Past |
bt |
boolean | TBC | Black Temple |
swp |
boolean | TBC | The Sunwell Plateau |
naxx |
boolean | Wrath/Classic | Naxxramas |
os |
boolean | Wrath | The Obsidian Sanctum |
voa |
boolean | Wrath | Vault of Archavon |
eoe |
boolean | Wrath | The Eye of Eternity |
uld |
boolean | Wrath | Ulduar |
toc |
boolean | Wrath | Trial of the Crusader |
icc |
boolean | Wrath | Icecrown Citadel |
ony |
boolean | Wrath/Classic | Onyxia's Lair |
rs |
boolean | Wrath | Ruby Sanctum |
bara |
boolean | Cata | Baradin Hold |
bwd |
boolean | Cata | Blackwing Descent |
bot |
boolean | Cata | The Bastion of Twilight |
tfw |
boolean | Cata | Throne of the Four Winds |
fl |
boolean | Cata | Firelands |
ds |
boolean | Cata | Dragon Soul |
msv |
boolean | Mists | Mogu'shan Vaults |
hof |
boolean | Mists | Heart of Fear |
toes |
boolean | Mists | Terrace of Endless Spring |
tot |
boolean | Mists | Throne of Thunder |
soo |
boolean | Mists | Siege of Orgrimmar |
hm |
boolean | WoD | Highmaul |
brf |
boolean | WoD | Blackrock Foundry |
hfc |
boolean | WoD | Hellfire Citadel |
en |
boolean | Legion | Emerald Nightmare |
nh |
boolean | Legion | Nighthold |
tov |
boolean | Legion | Trial of Valor |
tosg |
boolean | Legion | Tomb of Sargeras raid (was tos ) |
atbt |
boolean | Legion | Antorus, the Burning Throne |
uldir |
boolean | BfA | Uldir |
bod /daz
boolean | BfA | Battle of Dazar'alor |
cs /cru
boolean | BfA | Crucible of Storms |
ete /tep
boolean | BfA | Eternal Palace |
nya /ny
boolean | BfA | Ny'alotha, the Waking City |
cn |
boolean | Shadowlands | Castle Nathria |
sod |
boolean | Shadowlands | Sanctum of Domination |
sfo |
boolean | Shadowlands | Sepulcher of the First Ones |
voti |
boolean | Dragonflight | Vault of the Incarnates |
asc |
boolean | Dragonflight | Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible |
atdh |
boolean | Dragonflight | Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope |
np |
boolean | The War Within | Nerub-ar Palace |
lou |
boolean | The War Within | Liberation of Undermine |
Filter by specific dungeons. Please note that when searching for a single dungeon, the default search bar above the group listing is a better filter. It applies a server side filter instead of just filtering the local results.
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
brew |
boolean | Cinderbrew Meadery |
dfc |
boolean | Darkflame Cleft |
psf |
boolean | Priory of the Sacred Flame |
rook |
boolean | The Rookery |
fg |
boolean | Operation: Floodgate |
top |
boolean | Theater of Pain |
ml |
boolean | The MOTHERLODE!! |
work |
boolean | Operation: Mechagon - Workshop |
twws2 |
boolean | Any season 2 dungeon |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
arak |
boolean | Ara-Kara, City of Echoes |
cot |
boolean | City of Threads |
dawn |
boolean | The Dawnbreaker |
sv |
boolean | The Stonevault |
mists |
boolean | Mists of Tirna Scithe (Shadowlands) |
nw |
boolean | The Necrotic Wake (Shadowlands) |
siege |
boolean | Siege of Boralus (Battle for Azeroth) |
gb |
boolean | Grim Batol (Cataclysm) |
twws1 |
boolean | Any season 1 dungeon |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
aa |
boolean | Algeth'ar Academy |
av |
boolean | The Azure Vault |
no |
boolean | The Nokhud Offensive |
rlp |
boolean | Ruby Life Pools |
bh |
boolean | Brackenhide Hollow |
hoi |
boolean | Halls of Infusion |
nelt /nt
boolean | Neltharus |
uld /lot
boolean | Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr |
dfs4 |
boolean | Any season 4 dungeon |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
fall |
boolean | Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall |
rise |
boolean | Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise |
wm |
boolean | Waycrest Manor (Battle for Azeroth) |
ad |
boolean | Atal'Dazar (Battle for Azeroth) |
dht |
boolean | Darkheart Thicket (Legion) |
brh |
boolean | Black Rook Hold (Legion) |
eb |
boolean | The Everbloom (Warlords of Draenor) |
tott |
boolean | Throne of the Tides (Cataclysm) |
dfs3 |
boolean | Any season 3 dungeon |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
bh |
boolean | Brackenhide Hollow |
hoi |
boolean | Halls of Infusion |
nelt /nt
boolean | Neltharus |
uld /lot
boolean | Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr |
fh |
boolean | Freehold (Battle for Azeroth) |
undr /tur
boolean | Underrot (Battle for Azeroth) |
nl |
boolean | Neltharion's Lair (Legion) |
vp |
boolean | Vortex Pinnacle (Cataclysm) |
dfs2 |
boolean | Any season 2 dungeon |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
aa |
boolean | Algeth'ar Academy |
av |
boolean | The Azure Vault |
no |
boolean | The Nokhud Offensive |
rlp |
boolean | Ruby Life Pools |
hov |
boolean | Halls of Valor (Legion) |
cos |
boolean | Court of Stars (Legion) |
sbg |
boolean | Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (Warlords) |
tjs |
boolean | Temple of the Jade Serpent (Warlords) |
dfs1 |
boolean | Any season 1 dungeon |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
arak |
boolean | Ara-Kara, City of Echoes |
brew |
boolean | Cinderbrew Meadery |
cot |
boolean | City of Threads |
dfc |
boolean | Darkflame Cleft |
dawn |
boolean | The Dawnbreaker |
psf |
boolean | Priory of the Sacred Flame |
rook |
boolean | The Rookery |
sv |
boolean | The Stonevault |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
aa |
boolean | Algeth'ar Academy |
av |
boolean | The Azure Vault |
bh |
boolean | Brackenhide Hollow |
hoi |
boolean | Halls of Infusion |
lot |
boolean | Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr |
no |
boolean | The Nokhud Offensive |
nt |
boolean | Neltharus |
rlp |
boolean | Ruby Life Pools |
doti |
boolean | Dawn of the Infinite |
fall |
boolean | Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall |
rise |
boolean | Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
gd |
boolean | Grimrail Depot |
id |
boolean | Iron Docks |
lkara , lowr
boolean | Lower Karazhan |
ukara , uppr
boolean | Upper Karazhan |
opmj , yard
boolean | Operation: Mechagon - Junkyard |
opmw , work
boolean | Operation: Mechagon - Workshop |
tazs , strt
boolean | Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder |
tazg , gmbt
boolean | Tazavesh: So'leah's Gambit |
sls4 |
boolean | Any season 4 dungeon |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
pf |
boolean | Plaguefall |
dos |
boolean | De Other Side |
hoa |
boolean | Halls of Atonement |
mots , mists
boolean | Mists of Tirna Scithe |
sd |
boolean | Sanguine Depths |
soa |
boolean | Spires of Ascension |
nw |
boolean | The Necrotic Wake |
top |
boolean | Theater of Pain |
taz |
boolean | Tazavesh, the Veiled Market |
tazs , strt
boolean | Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder |
tazg , gmbt
boolean | Tazavesh: So'leah's Gambit |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
ad |
boolean | Atal'Dazar |
fh |
boolean | Freehold |
kr |
boolean | Kings' Rest |
sob , siege
boolean | Siege of Boralus |
sots |
boolean | Shrine of the Storm |
td |
boolean | Tol Dagor |
tml , ml
boolean | The MOTHERLODE |
tos , tosl
boolean | Temple of Sethraliss |
tur , undr
boolean | The Underrot |
wm |
boolean | Waycrest Manor |
opm |
boolean | Operation: Mechagon |
opmj , yard
boolean | Operation: Mechagon - Junkyard |
opmw , work
boolean | Operation: Mechagon - Workshop |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
eoa |
boolean | Eye of Azshara |
dht |
boolean | Darkheart Thicket |
nl |
boolean | Neltharion's Lair |
brh |
boolean | Black Rook Hold |
votw |
boolean | Vault of the Wardens |
cos |
boolean | Court of Stars |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
gss |
boolean | Gate of the Setting Sun |
msp |
boolean | Mogu'shan Palace |
sch |
boolean | Scarlet Halls |
scholo |
boolean | Scholomance |
scm |
boolean | Scarlet Monastery |
snt |
boolean | Siege of Niuzao Temple |
spm |
boolean | Shado-Pan Monastery |
ssb |
boolean | Stormstout Brewery |
tjs |
boolean | Temple of the Jade Serpent |
Keyword | Type | Dungeon |
bc |
boolean | Blackrock Caverns |
dm |
boolean | Deadmines |
et |
boolean | End Time |
gb |
boolean | Grim Batol |
hoo |
boolean | Halls of Origination |
hot |
boolean | Hour of Twilight |
sc |
boolean | The Stonecore |
sfk |
boolean | Shadowfang Keep |
tott |
boolean | Throne of the Tides |
tv |
boolean | Lost City of the Tol'vir |
vp |
boolean | Vortex Pinnacle |
woe |
boolean | Well of Eternity |
za |
boolean | Zul'Aman |
zg |
boolean | Zul'Gurub |
Filter by dungeons and raids of a specific expansion.
Keyword | Type | Expansion |
classic |
boolean | Classic |
tbc |
boolean | The Burning Crusade |
wrath |
boolean | Wrath of the Lich King |
cata |
boolean | Cataclysm |
mists |
boolean | Mists of Pandaria |
wod |
boolean | Warlords of Draenor |
legion |
boolean | Legion |
bfa |
boolean | Battle for Azeroth |
sl |
boolean | Shadowlands |
df |
boolean | Dragonflight |
tww |
boolean | The War Within |
ℹ️ Requires Retail
Keyword | Type | Description |
oce |
boolean | True if the datacenter region of the group leader is Oceanic (Sydney) |
chi |
boolean | True if the datacenter region of the group leader is Chicago |
la |
boolean | True if the datacenter region of the group leader is Los Angeles |
mex |
boolean | True if the region of the group leader is Mexico |
bzl |
boolean | True if the region of the group leader is Brazil |
region |
string | Region code of the group leader, use with e.g. (region == nil or region == "mex")
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
hasrio |
boolean | True if the group leader has a raider.io profile | hasrio |
norio |
boolean | True if the the group leader does not have a raider.io profile | ( norio or rio > 500 ) |
rio |
integer | Raider.io ranking of the group leader | rio > 500 |
rioprev |
integer | Raider.io ranking in previous season | rioprev > 500 |
riomain |
integer | Raider.io ranking of main character | riomain > 500 |
riomainprev |
integer | Raider.io ranking of main character in previous season | riomainprev > 500 |
riowarband |
integer | Raider.io ranking of the warband | riowarband > 500 |
riowarbandprev |
integer | Raider.io ranking of the warband in previous season | riowarbandprev > 500 |
riokey4plus |
integer | Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 4 or higher | riokey4plus >= 5 |
riokey7plus |
integer | Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 7 or higher | riokey7plus >= 5 |
riokey10plus |
integer | Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 10 or higher | riokey10plus >= 5 |
riokey12plus |
integer | Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 12 or higher | riokey12plus >= 5 |
riokey15plus |
integer | Number of dungeons the group leader completed with keystone of level 15 or higher | riokey15plus >= 5 |
riokeymax |
integer | The maximum keystone level the group leader completed | riokeymax >= 10 |
rionormalprogress |
integer | The number of bosses killed in the current raid on normal difficulty (e.g. 2 means any two bosses killed) | rionormalprogress > 0 |
rioheroicprogress |
integer | The number of bosses killed in the current raid on heroic difficulty (e.g. 2 means any two bosses killed) | rioheroicprogress > 0 |
riomythicprogress |
integer | The number of bosses killed in the current raid on mythic difficulty (e.g. 2 means any two bosses killed) | riomythicprogress > 0 |
riomainprogress |
integer | The maximum number of bosses killed in the current raid on any difficulty with the main character (i.e. you are looking at a twink) | riomainprogress > 0 |
rionormalkills |
table | A table that contains the number of kills for each boss on normal difficulty |
rionormalkills[1] > 0 means first boss killed at least once |
rioheroickills |
table | A table that contains the number of kills for each boss on heroic difficulty |
rioheroickills[8] > 0 means 8th boss killed at least once |
riomythickills |
table | A table that contains the number of kills for each boss on mythic difficulty |
riomythickills[3] > 0 means third boss killed at least once |
Keyword | Type | Description | Possible values |
appstatus |
string | Application status, usually "none" when not applied to the group. |
none, applied, cancelled, failed, declined, declined_full, declined_delisted, timedout, invited, inviteaccepted, invitedeclined |
pendingstatus |
string | Pending status (only set if waiting for all players in group to select a role and confirm sign up). | (nil), applied, cancelled |
appduration |
integer | Number of seconds remaining until your application times out. Useful for sorting applied groups to the top with appduration desc . |
0-300 |
apporder |
integer | Number that can be used for sorting applications to the top with apporder desc . apporder is the resultID for applications and 0 for all other groups. |
0-9999 |
isapp |
boolean | True if you applied to this group, false otherwise. | true, false |
Keyword | Type | Description |
activity |
integer | Internal activity ID as used by Blizzard |
categoryid |
integer | Internal category ID as used by Blizzard |
groupid |
integer | Internal group ID as used by Blizzard |
questid |
integer | Internal quest ID as used by Blizzard |