In the data
folder, you will find example input files for Ethereum blocks. To run a specific block in the Zisk emulator, copy the <block_number>.bin
file into the build/input.bin
directory and execute one of the following commands:
cargo-zisk run --release -m -s
ziskemu -i build/input.bin -x -m -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/zisk-eth-client
Block 18884865
contains too many steps, which may cause the following error:
Error during emulation: EmulationNoCompleted
Error: Error executing Run command
Caused by:
Cargo run command failed with status exit status: 1
To resolve this, increase the number of steps (-n
) when running ziskemu
ziskemu -i build/input.bin -x -m -e target/riscv64ima-polygon-ziskos-elf/release/zisk-eth-block -n 10000000000
You can also enable the keccak precompile by uncommenting the following line in the Cargo.toml
tiny-keccak = { git = "", branch = "edu/zisk" }
To generate additional input block files, you can use the rsp tool:
rsp --block-number 18884864 --cache-dir ./data --rpc-url <RPC_URL>