Grammar Well is a cross-platform compiler, parser, and/or interpreter. It originated as a port of the popular library Nearley to TypeScript but has since evolved to include additional functionality, such as a built-in lexer and support for various parsing algorithms including LR0 and CKY. It also offers a range of quality of life features.
Check out the documentation at
npm i grammar-well
import { Compile, Parse } from 'grammar-well';
const source = `
import * from whitespace;
lexer {
start: "json"
- import whitespace
- when r:{-?(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b} tag "number"
- when r:{"(?:\\["bfnrt/\\]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|[^"\\])*"} tag "string"
- when "{" tag "{"
- when "}" tag "}"
- when "[" tag "["
- when "]" tag "]"
- when "," tag ","
- when ":" tag ":"
- when "true" tag "true"
- when "false" tag "false"
- when "null" tag "null"
grammar {
start: "json"
| _ (object | array) _ => ( $1[0] )
| "{" _ "}" => ( {} )
| "{" _ pair (_ "," _ pair)* _ "}" => \${ extractObject }
| "[" _ "]" => ( [] )
| "[" _ value (_ "," _ value)* _ "]" => \${ extractArray }
| object => ( $0 )
| array => ( $0 )
| number => ( $0 )
| string => ( $0 )
| "true" => ( true )
| "false" => ( false )
| "null" => ( null )
| <number> => ( parseFloat($0.value) )
| <string> => ( JSON.parse($0.value) )
| key@k _ ":" _ value@v => ( [$k, $v] )
| string => ( $0 )
on:import {
function extractPair(kv, output) {
if(kv[0]) { output[kv[0]] = kv[1]; }
function extractObject({data}) {
let output = {};
extractPair(data[2], output);
for (let i in data[3]) {
extractPair(data[3][i][3], output);
return output;
function extractArray({data}) {
let output = [data[2]];
for (let i in data[3]) {
return output;
const javascriptsource = await Generate(source, {
output: {
name: 'grammar',
format: 'typescript',
artifacts: {
lexer: true,
grammar: true