This plugin allows you to delete entire directories, and it is compatible with elevated privileges.
Alternatively this plugin allows you to choose whether you want to delete only files or only folders.
You also have the option to delete a single file.
This plugin is a terminal command.
Available Flags:
-q, --quiet don't print folder/file tree
-i, --information display extra information
-b, --basedirectory delete the base directory
--fol, --foldersonly delete only folders
--fil, --filesonly delete only files
deldir -i -b
deldir Desktop/folder
deldir Desktop/folder -i -b
deldir Desktop/folder -q -b
deldir Desktop/folder --fil
This script and the plugin should work on any systems with or without dotnet installed.
The auto install script uses: sudo.
This script was tested on EndeavourOS(Arch-based), but it should work on other linux systems.
I do not take any responsibility for any kind of damage this script might cause,
use it at your own risk.
download the
unpack it in the same directory as the other files.
enter the next commands into the terminal:
sudo chmod +x
🞄 after the script installs you should be able to use the deldir command.
download and unpack the files.
run in terminal:
sudo cp deldir /usr/bin/
sudo cp deldir.pdb /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/deldir
now you should be able to run the 'deldir' command.
• Added a better 'tree' preview of folders and files.
• Added a cleaner 'current' directory display.
• Added back the 'Version' text in -h
• Updated the
• The plugin will now sort the files and the folders.
• Optimized some of the source code(to be more readable).
• Added more comments in the source code.
• Fixed more issues regarding long directories not displaying properly.
• Ported this project to use my Argument Parser 3.2 instead of 2.0.
• Changed a bit the color scheme.
• Optimized some of the source code(to be more readable).
• Added more comments in the source code.
• Fixed some issues regarding long directories not displaying properly.
• Added more exceptions with new Error messages.
• Added a 'Version' text in -h
This software was programmed in Visual Studio Code (.Net 6.0).
Note: This is an early iteration of this plugin, so expect limitations with this plugin.
- created by
Publish/Release dates: 13.01.2022