This sample project demonstrates Specmatic gRPC support which allows you to use your proto files for Contract Testing and Intelligent Service Virtualisation (stubbing/mocking). Specmatic gRPC support can also help you use your proto files for #nocode backward compatibility testing and more.
The specmatic-order-bff-grpc-kotlin is a gRPC server application developed according to the following proto file, which can be found in the central contract repository:
This BFF project relies on the OrderAPI domain service which implements the following proto files:
The ContractTest
class demonstrates how to use Specmatic to test specmatic-order-bff-grpc-kotlin gRPC server app using the above proto files.
- Java 17 or later
Clone the repository
git clone
Initialize and update the
submodulegit submodule update --init --recursive --remote
Enable automatic submodule updating when executing
git pull
git config submodule.recurse true
./gradlew clean test
Start the Specmatic gRPC stub server to emulate domain service:
docker run -p 9090:9090 -v "$(pwd)/specmatic.yaml:/usr/src/app/specmatic.yaml" znsio/specmatic-grpc virtualize --port=9090
Build and run the BFF service (System Under Test) in a Docker container:
docker build --no-cache -t specmatic-order-bff-grpc .
docker run --network host -p 8085:8085 specmatic-order-bff-grpc
Or run it using
./gradlew bootRun
Finally, run Specmatic Contract on the BFF service (System Under Test):
docker run --network host -v "$(pwd)/specmatic.yaml:/usr/src/app/specmatic.yaml" -v "$(pwd)/build/reports/specmatic:/usr/src/app/build/reports/specmatic" -e SPECMATIC_GENERATIVE_TESTS=true znsio/specmatic-grpc test --port=8085 --host=host.docker.internal
The BFF service can be independently started with below command.
./gradlew bootRun
And now you can debug / test by using grpcurl to verify the setup.
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"type": "OTHER", "pageSize": 10}' localhost:8085
Which should give you results as shown below.
% grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"type": "OTHER", "pageSize": 10}' localhost:8085
"products": [
"id": 608,
"name": "PXDIO",
"type": "GADGET",
"inventory": 148
Alternatively you can also use grpcui to debug the service.
grpcui -plaintext localhost:8085
Also observe corresponding logs in the Specmatic Stub Server which is emulating domain service to understand the interactions between BFF and Domain and Service.