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image2speech is an Ethereum ready dapp that combines the functionalities of two other dapps: image2text and text2speech. It applies google's tesseract-OCR engine to extract text from images and uses mimic tts engine to convert text to speech and save them in wav format.


Bring your images together in a folder (exp: DATADIR) and add an input-config.yml file in the same folder. This file contains configuration for each image it should respect the following format:

<imagename 1>:
    language: <lang>
    voice: <voice name>
    latency: <value>

<imagename 2>:
    language: <lang>
    voice: <voice name>
    latency: <value>

You can keep the language's section empty but this may affect the performance of the extraction process. If voice name and latency are not defined the app will default to "ap" voice and 1.0 latency.


In the app/app-config.yml file, change the datadir parameter to the path of your folder (DATADIR for our example) and run the script.

$ git clone && cd image2speech/
$ sed -i "s/\/iexec/<path/to/datadir/folder>/" app/app-config.yml
$ python3 app/src/

You shoud find your text/sound files in the DATADIR/out/ folder.


Supported languages

English (for now).

Supported image types

Tested extensions: jpeg, bmp, png
Those extensions are accepted but were not tested yet: pbm, pgm, ppm, tiff, rast, xbm


Male: ap, awb_time, awb, kal, kal16, rms.
Female: slt_hts, slt.
See voice samples here.


Docker deployment

After installing docker and preparing your DATADIR folder, just grab the docker image from dockerhub and run it:

$ docker run -v abs/path/to/datadir:/iexec/ ziedguesmi/image2speech

Or you can build your own image from dockerfile:

# clone the dapp
$ git clone && cd image2speech/ 

# build the docker image
$ docker build -t image2speech .

# run the container
$ docker run -v abs/path/to/datadir:/iexec/ image2speech


Install system dependencies:

# ubuntu as an example
$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    automake \
    gcc \
    git \
    libasound2-dev \
    libsm6 \
    libtesseract-dev \
    libtool \
    make \
    pkg-config \
    python3 \
    python3-pip \
    tesseract-ocr \
    tesseract-ocr-ara \
    tesseract-ocr-eng \
    tesseract-ocr-fra \
    tesseract-ocr-spa \
    tesseract-ocr-deu \
    tesseract-ocr-chi-sim \
    tesseract-ocr-ita \
    tesseract-ocr-jpn \
    tesseract-ocr-por \
    tesseract-ocr-rus \
    tesseract-ocr-tur \
    tesseract-ocr-kor \
    unzip \

Install mimic tts engine

$ git clone && cd mimic
$ ./ --prefix="/usr/local"
$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix="/usr/local"
$ make

Clone the app:

$ git clone && cd image2speech/

Install python depedencies:

$ pip3 install -r app/requirements.txt


  • Support more languages.
  • Add more mimic voices.
  • Reduce mimic docker image size.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details