a mobile application that tracks the real-‐time location of the user’s friends and acquaintances. This enables the user to conveniently schedule meetings and gatherings. This app also eliminates the need for text messages and phone calls to inquire your friend’s physical location, thus reducing the amount of hassle and network bandwidth for social interactions. In addition, the app can be used to find other users with similar interest around the user’s area.
- Support two-‐finger zooming
- Filtering users shown on map by users around you or your friends
- Send text messages to friends
- Users are pinned on map and clicking on them pops up profile including their pictures, gender, interests and other descriptions
- Send request to users around you (who permitted such requests), and becoming friends after confirmation
- Toggle privacy setting from allowing anyone to send friend request to the user to appearing invisible to all users including friends
- Sign-‐up for account
- Adjustable setting for tracking frequency. Ability to individually select tracking frequencies among friends
- Search users around the user’s area. (5 km, 10 km, etc)