Corsswalk-based Cordova Android is derived from Cordova Android and uses Crosswalk as the HTML5 runtime. It is an Android application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the Android Platform. Cordova based applications are, at the core, applications written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Apache Cordova is a project at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
- Java JDK 1.5 or greater
- Apache ANT 1.8.0 or greater
- Android SDK
Please refer to Setup Crosswalk Dependency.
The Cordova developer tooling is split between general tooling and project level tooling.
General Commands
./bin/create [path package activity] ... create the ./example app or a cordova android project
./bin/check_reqs ....................... checks that your environment is set up for cordova-android development
./bin/update [path] .................... updates an existing cordova-android project to the version of the framework
Project Commands
These commands live in a generated Cordova Android project. Any interactions with the emulator require you to have an AVD defined.
./cordova/clean ........................ cleans the project
./cordova/build ........................ calls `clean` then compiles the project
./cordova/log ........................ stream device or emulate logs to stdout
./cordova/run ........................ calls `build` then deploys to a connected Android device. If no Android device is detected, will launch an emulator and deploy to it.
./cordova/version ...................... returns the cordova-android version of the current project
Please use ./cordova/build
to build before import generated project into Eclipse.
- Import Crosswalk-based Cordova Android and XWalkCoreLibrary library projects by File > Import... > Existing Android Code Into Workspace. Point to
and clickFinish
. - Build
projects. - Import generated project by File > Import... > Existing Android Code. Point to the generated app path.
- Right click on the project root: Run as > Run Configurations
- Click on the Target tab and select Manual (this way you can choose the emulator or device to build to)
Please see details under test/