A containerized, complete AWS CDK setup so that you can start working on your CDK app in no time without worrying about installation
DockerHub: Download the containerized CDK Docker image
docker pull thinkthenrant/containerized-aws-cdk:latest
Then, create a directory that we will persist the CDK app in and launch the containerized CDK image:
mkdir myCdkApp
docker run -it -v $PWD/myCdkApp:/myCdkApp -w=/myCdkApp thinkthenrant/containerized-aws-cdk
Or GitHub Packages: Download the containerized CDK Docker image
# USERNAME is your GitHub user name
# TOKEN is your GitHub personall access token
docker login -u USERNAME -p TOKEN docker.pkg.github.com
docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/thinkthenrant/containerized-aws-cdk/aws-cdk:latest
Then, create a directory that we will persist the CDK appsin and launch the containerized CDK image:
mkdir myCdkApp
docker run -it -v $PWD/myCdkApp:/myCdkApp -w=/myCdkApp docker.pkg.github.com/thinkthenrant/containerized-aws-cdk/aws-cdk
After your container started, run:
cdk init
and follow along!
More information: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/index.html