Moip Assinaturas is a product that manages recurring fees and charges. It allows you to create plans, customers, subscriptions, coupons etc.
More info available at:
API Documentation/Reference:
First of all, you'll have to instanciate a new Assinaturas object passing your credentials and the environment you want to connect.
Assinaturas assinaturas = new Assinaturas(new Authentication("YOUR_TOKEN", "YOUR_SECRET"), new (SandboxCommunicator|ProductionCommunicator)());
Creating a new plan:
Plan toCreate = new Plan();
.withInterval(new Interval()
.withTrial(new Trial()
After that you have to call following method:
Plan created = assinaturas.plan().create(toCreate);
Listing all plans:
List<Plan> plans = assinaturas.plan().list();
Getting a single plan:
Plan plan = assinaturas.plan().show("YOUR_PLAN_CODE");
Updating a plan:
To update a plan, you should inform your new plan params, creating a new object of Plan and passing it to update method
Plan toUpdate = new Plan();
.withInterval(new Interval()
.withTrial(new Trial()
After informing what you want to update, just call the following method:
Plan plan = assinaturas.plan().update(toUpdate);
Activating a plan:
Plan plan = assinaturas.plan().active("YOUR_PLAN_CODE");
Inactivating a plan:
Plan plan = assinaturas.plan().inactive(toInactivate);
Creating a new subscription
Subscription toBeCreated = new Subscription();
new Plan()
new Customer()
new Birthdate()
.withEmail("[email protected]")
new Address()
.withCity("São Paulo")
.withStreet("Some Street")
new BillingInfo()
.withCreditCard(new CreditCard()
.withHolderName("Some Name")
You can create a subscription just informing an already created customer:
Subscription toBeCreated = new Subscription();
.withCustomer(new Customer()
.withPlan(new Plan()
You can also create a subscription with pro-rata. It's obligatory inform a best Invoide Date. For annualy plans month is required. set day is optional. For monthly day is required.
There's no best invoice date in daily plans.
Subscription toBeCreated = new Subscription();
.withCustomer(new Customer()
.withPlan(new Plan()
.withBestInvoiceDate(new BestInvoiceDate()
Then you'll need to call the following method:
Subscription created = assinaturas.subscription().create(toBeCreated);
Updating a subscription
Subscription toUpdate = new Subscription();
.withPlan(new Plan()
.withNextInvoiceDate(new NextInvoiceDate()
Then call the following method:
Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().update(toUpdate);
Activating a subscription:
Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().activate("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");
Cancelling a subscription:
Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().cancel("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");
Suspending a subscription:
Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().suspend("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");
Getting a single subscription:
Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().show("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");
Listing all subscriptions:
List<Subscription> subscriptions = assinaturas.subscription().list();
Listing invoices from a subscription:
List<Invoice> invoices = assinaturas.subscription().invoices("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");
Creating a new customer:
Customer toCreate = new Customer();
new Birthdate()
new Address()
new BillingInfo()
new CreditCard()
You can also create a customer without credit card information:
Customer toCreate = new Customer();
new Birthdate()
new Address()
After creating the customer object, you'll have to call the following method:
Customer created = assinaturas.customer().create(toCreate);
Updating a customer:
Customer toUpdate = new Customer();
new Birthdate()
new Address()
After that just call the method:
Customer created = assinaturas.customer().update(toUpdate);
Updating only credit card vault:
Customer toUpdate = new Customer();
new BillingInfo()
new CreditCard()
After that just call the method:
Customer updated = assinaturas.customer().updateVault(toUpdate);
Listing all customers:
List<Customer> customers = assinaturas.customer().list();
Showing a single customer:
Customer customer = assinaturas.customer().show("CUSTOMER_CODE");
Getting single invoice:
Invoice invoice = assinaturas.invoices().show(INVOICE_ID);
Getting payments from an invoice:
List<Payment> payments = assinaturas.invoices().payments(INVOICE_ID);
Retring an invoice:
Invoice invoice = assinaturas.invoices().retry(INVOICE_ID);
Creating coupon:
.withDiscount(new Discount()
.withDuration(new Duration()
.withExpirationDate(new ExpirationDate()
Then call:
Coupon coupon =;
To activate a coupon:
Coupon coupon =;
To inactive a coupon:
Coupon coupon =;
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This lib is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.