An open source chat and reminder application built with Convex, Clerk, and React. This application features real-time chat, task management, collaborative document editing, and an administrative dashboard for moderation.
Real-time Chat:
- Public content warning for first-time users
- Send and receive chat messages instantly
- Set and customize your username at any time
- AI-powered chat responses using "@ai" command
- Real-time message streaming from OpenAI
- Create reminders by typing "remind me" in chat
- Create notes by typing "note:" in chat
- Search functionality for messages using vector search
- Like messages and see like counts
- Send emoji reactions
- Threaded AI responses
- Message highlighting for search results
- Code block syntax highlighting with copy functionality
- Markdown support for rich text formatting
- Real-time message streaming with typing indicators
- Assistant UI integration for enhanced chat experience
- Automatic cleanup every hour with system message restoration
- Easy to integrate OpenAI chat features (not included by default)
Collaborative Document Editing:
- Real-time collaborative text editing with Liveblocks
- Multiple users can edit documents simultaneously
- Live presence indicators showing who is typing
- Document title collaboration
- Save and manage multiple documents per page
- Rich text formatting with TipTap editor
- Document version history
- Expandable document preview
- Quick actions for editing and deleting documents
- Live cursors and selections
- Collaborative comments and threads
- Document organization with titles and content
- Real-time updates across all clients
- Automatic content saving
- Document search and filtering
- Per-page document management
- Document deletion controls
- Document preview with content truncation
- Last updated timestamps
- Bulk document management per page
User Experience:
- First-time user warning about public content
- Customizable username setting
- Mobile-responsive design
- Real-time message streaming
- Instant search results
- Beautiful UI with smooth transitions
- Hover tooltips for better UX
- Expandable content sections
- Tab-based navigation for different content types
- Local storage for user preferences
- Responsive mobile menu with hamburger navigation
- Accessible UI elements with ARIA labels
- Smooth scrolling to highlighted messages
- Copy functionality for code blocks and notes
- Automatic data cleanup every hour
- Create and manage notes for each page
- Rich text editing support
- Title and content organization
- Preview with content truncation
- Copy note content with one click
- Real-time updates across all clients
- Edit and delete functionality
- Timestamp tracking for updates
- Expandable note content
- Group hover controls for note actions
- Toggle view for messages, todos, and notes per page
- Bulk actions for clearing messages, todos, and notes
- Individual content management for each page
- Real-time content updates
- Markdown support for notes
- Create and manage public reminders
- Toggle completion status
- Upvote and downvote reminders
- Real-time updates across all connected clients
- Delete reminders with hover controls
- Create todos directly from chat using "remind me"
- Vote count display
- Group hover animations for controls
- Visual completion indicators
- Timestamp tracking for todos
Search Functionality:
- Real-time search as you type
- Message highlighting for search results
- Search results dropdown
- Click-to-scroll to message
- Search in both desktop and mobile views
- Clear search functionality
- Visual feedback for search matches
- Vector-based semantic search
- Filter search by sender
Admin Dashboard:
- Moderation dashboard at
- Sign in using Clerk to manage your profile
- View and delete individual or all chat messages
- Manage all reminders from one place
- Download chat history as CSV
- Create and manage multiple chat rooms
- Enable/disable chat rooms
- View message and reminder statistics
- Toggle view for messages, todos, notes, and documents per page
- Bulk actions for clearing messages, todos, notes, and documents
- Individual content management for each page
- Real-time content updates
- Document management per page
- Document preview in admin interface
- Document deletion controls
- Document organization by page
- Moderation dashboard at
- Language: TypeScript
- Framework: React 18
- Build Tool: Vite
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Routing: React Router
- UI Components: Lucide Icons
- Code Highlighting: react-syntax-highlighter
- Markdown: react-markdown
- Real-time Collaboration: Liveblocks
- Rich Text Editor: TipTap
- Database & Functions: Convex
- Vector Search: Convex Vector Search
- Cron Jobs: Convex Scheduling
- WebSocket: Convex Real-time Sync
- Provider: Clerk
- Features: User management, role-based access
- Platform: Netlify
- Database: Convex Cloud
- Real-time: WebSocket (Convex)
All data (chats, reminders, notes, and documents) is automatically cleared every hour via Convex Cron Jobs. After each cleanup, a system message is automatically posted to each chat to maintain context. This helps maintain a clean and fresh environment for all users.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd todohosted
Install dependencies:
bun install
Set up environment variables: Create a
file with:VITE_CONVEX_URL=your_convex_deployment_url VITE_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=your_clerk_publishable_key OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key
Start the development server:
bun dev
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.