The front-end for the anime-dl project
The backing library: ADLCore
Have any ideas or an issue? Feel free to create an issue or talk to us in the Discord
SITE | Search | Download |
---|---|---| [Novel] | YES | YES | [SNovel] | NO | YES |
( [Anime] | YES | YES | [Anime (Espanol) ] | NO | YES | [Hentai] | YES | YES | [Manga] | YES | YES |
Download the latest release from the releases page
- nim >= 1.6.6
- nimble (should come preinstalled with nim)
- git
- OpenSSL
- Linux:
- (Arch-based)
sudo pacman -S openssl
- (Debian-based)
sudo apt install openssl
- (Arch-based)
- Windows (If you don't want to use the ones we provide):
- Linux:
1. Clone the repo
git clone && cd anime-dl
2. Install required nim modules:
Note: It is recommended you to check out the dependencies in the nimble file before doing this.
nimble installdeps
3. Build with these commands:
nimble build -d:ssl --threads:on
There are two ways to use the program--
You can simply execute the executable and follow the prompts, or you can follow the instructions below for simpler usage.
Note: The documentation on the program arguments are subject to change and are not encompassing.
./animeDL selector options
./animeDL ani -d -c HAnime -res x720 -url url
./animeDL ani -d -c vidstreamAni -res 1920x1080 -url url
ani (Denominates video)
nvl (Denominates text)
mng (Denominates pictures)
-d (specifies to download)
-lim num:num (limit the amount of episodes/chapters)
-c name (Set a custom downloader, useful for scripts)
-dblk (specify to download more than one episode)
-res wxh (Can be buggy at times)