- Goto Definition
- Find All References
- Hover
- Diagnostics
- Rename
- Auto Completion
- IntelliSense
- Signature Help
- Document Symbols
- Workspace Symbols
- Syntax Check
- Highlight
- Code Action
- EmmyLua Annotation
- Multi Workspace
- Semantic Tokens
- Type Format
- Lua 5.1
- Lua 5.2
- Lua 5.3
- Lua 5.4
- LuaJIT
If you find any mistakes, please tell me or use Pull Requests to fix them directly.
如果你发现了任何错误,请告诉我或使用Pull Requests来直接修复。
- en-US
- zh-CN
Please help me improve the quality of en-US
- In VSCode: Just use the setting of VSCode.
- Standalone: See
- bee.lua
- luamake
- lni
- LPegLabel
- LuaParser
- rcedit
- ScreenToGif
- vscode-languageclient
- lua.tmbundle
- EmmyLua
- lua-glob
- utility
- vscode-lua-doc
- json.lua
- actboy168
- Dmitry Sannikov
- Jayden Charbonneau
- Stjepan Bakrac
- Peter Young
- Li Xiaobin
- Fedora7
- Allen Shaw
- Bartel
- Ruin0x11
- uhziel
- 火凌之
- CppCXY
- Ketho
- Folke Lemaitre
This language server collects usage data and sends it to the development team to help improve the extension. Read our privacy policy to learn more and how to disable any telemetry.