Setup Kubernetes cluster from scratch
- An SSH key pair on your local machine1
- Servers running CentOS 7 with at least 2GB RAM and 2 vCPUs each and you should be able to SSH into each server as the root user with your SSH key pair2
- Ansible installed on your local machine3,4
- Extarnal load balancer is provisioned
- Domain name is provisioned (i.e.
- Common names are assigned to the public IP (external load balancer):
- Setup a
file containing inventory information such as the IP addresses of your servers and the groups that each server belongs to. - Define common names in
- (Optional) Define Ingress NodePorts in
- Execute the playbook:
ansible-galaxy install kwoodson.yedit ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini main.yml
kubectl get no -o wide
kubectl get po -A -o wide
kubectl get po -n ingress-nginx -o wide
kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx
Install cert-manager6
- Execute the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini cert-manager.yml
- Verify the installation7
kubectl get pods --namespace cert-manager
- Deploy "Online Boutique" demo application8:
kubectl apply -f
- Wait for the Pods to be ready:
watch kubectl get pods -o wide
- Deploy ingress resource for frontend service:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini frontend-ingress-resource.yml
- Access the web frontend using public IP of the worker node and ingress controller NodePort port:
curl -kI -H 'Host:'
- Access the web frontend in a browser using external LoadBalancer's public IP:
Update existing loadgenerator instance in order to control deployment via helm:
kubectl -n default label deployment loadgenerator "" kubectl -n default annotate deployment loadgenerator "" ""
Prepare kube config as kube config secret for CI/CD tool:
cat $HOME/.kube/config | base64
Push a commit into master branch of loadgenerator's source code or prepared Helm chart:
Note: GitHub Actions workflow configuration here:
Install OpenEBS local PV device storage engine9
- Execute the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini openebs.yml
- Verify installation:
Install Prometheus stack10
(Optional) Setup prometheus stack in
Execute the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini prometheus.yml
Verify installation:
- Verify Prometheus related pods are installed under monitoring namespace:
kubectl get pod -n monitoring
- Verify Prometheus related PVCs are created under monitoring namespace:
kubectl get pvc -n monitoring
- Verify Prometheus related services created under monitoring namespace:
kubectl get svc -n monitoring
- Verify Prometheus related pods are installed under monitoring namespace:
Import Grafana dashboards from /dashboard folder
There are following metrics being used:
Pod Resource Usage by Namespace:
Metriс Purpose CPU Usage Detect CPU bottlenecks, setup CPU resource requests/limits and VerticalPodAutoscaler/HorizontalPodAutoscaler Memory Usage Detect high memory presure and leakage, setup memory resource requests/limits and VerticalPodAutoscaler/HorizontalPodAutoscaler -
Nodes Resourse Usage:
Metriс Purpose CPU Usage Control memory usage on the node, add additional CPU cores on demand Load Average Control system load on the node, add additional CPU cores on demand Memory Usage Control memory utilization on the node, provide additional CPU cores on demand Disk I/O Detect disk I/O bottleneck Disk Space Usage Control disk space utilization Network Received Inspect inbound network traffic, monitors for reception of data that exceeds the bandwidth of the network interface Network Transmitted Inspect outbound network traffic on the interface -
Persistent Volume Usage:
Metriс Purpose Volume Space Usage Control volume space utilization by PVC Volume Inode Usage Control the number of inodes available on volume by PVC
Note: Grafana URL: (login/password: guest/guest)
- Execute the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini loki.yml
- Wait for the Pods to be ready:
kubectl get po -n monitoring -o wide --selector release=loki
Open "Loki Logs" dashboard in Grafana in order to review pod logs:
Note: Grafana URL: (login/password: guest/guest)
Install metrics-server11
- Execute the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini metrics-server.yml
- Check whether the metrics-server is available and running
kubectl get apiservices | grep
Create HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource for frontend service:
kubectl apply -f
Verify created resource:
kubectl get hpa
Increase workload on frontend service:
kubectl set env deployment/loadgenerator USERS=500
After a fiew minutes there are additional frontend pods created:
kubectl get pod --selector app=frontend
Decrease workload on frontend service:
kubectl set env deployment/loadgenerator USERS=1
Watch for the terminating of several frontend pods:
kubectl get pod --selector app=frontend -w
kubectl get pod --selector app=frontend