This project is forked from osiris v4.1. Here is my job:
- use sqlite3 + kd-tree to speed up query
- modify/delete some code to speed up iris detection
- achieve real-time iris insert/query/delete operation in a normal computer.
- sqlite3 is used to store iris feature
- database file is in ./IrisDB/iris.db(you can change it by modify the value of "sqlite3DB" in the config file(lied in ./conf/conf.ini)
- database only contain one table,two fields. you can see its defination in the sql script(lied in ./scripts/iris.sql)
- cd ./src
- make
- ./osiris
- insert 1.jpg //insert a iris image into database,and reture a ID which is 'auto_increment';
- query 2.jpg //find the nearest iris image from sqlite3 database.
- delete [id] //delete
- High confidence visual recognition of persons by a test of statistical Independency
- OSIRIS An open source iris recognition software
- The Viterbi Algorithm at Different Resolutions for Enhanced Iris Segmentation
- Documentation_OSIRIS_v4.1