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sagemathgh-39065: Implemented methods concerning bricks and braces of a matching covered graph <!-- ^ Please provide a concise and informative title. --> The objective of this issue is to implement the methods pertaining to the bricks and brace of a matching covered graph. <!-- ^ Don't put issue numbers in the title, do this in the PR description below. --> <!-- ^ For example, instead of "Fixes sagemath#12345" use "Introduce new method to calculate 1 + 2". --> <!-- v Describe your changes below in detail. --> More specifically, this PR aims to implement the following two methods: <!-- - [ ] `bricks_and_braces()` | Return the list of (underlying simple graph of) the bricks and braces of the (matching covered) graph. --> - [x] `is_brace()` | Check if the (matching covered) graph is a brace - [x] `is_brick()` | Check if the (matching covered) graph is a brick. <!-- - [ ] `number_of_braces()` | Return the number of braces. --> <!-- - [ ] `number_of_bricks()` | Return the number of bricks. --> <!-- - [ ] `number_of_petersen_bricks()` | Return the number of Petersen bricks. --> <!-- - [ ] `tight_cut_decomposition()` | Return a tight cut decomposition. --> <!-- v Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? --> This PR shall address the methods related to bricks, braces and tight cut decomposition of matching covered graphs. <!-- v If this PR resolves an open issue, please link to it here. For example, "Fixes sagemath#12345". --> Fixes sagemath#38216. Note that this issue fixes a small part of the mentioned issue. ### 📝 Checklist <!-- Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. --> - [x] The title is concise and informative. - [x] The description explains in detail what this PR is about. - [x] I have linked a relevant issue or discussion. - [x] I have created tests covering the changes. - [x] I have updated the documentation and checked the documentation preview. ### ⌛ Dependencies This PR depends on the PR sagemath#38742 and sagemath#38892. <!-- List all open PRs that this PR logically depends on. For example, --> <!-- - sagemath#12345: short description why this is a dependency --> <!-- - sagemath#34567: ... --> cc: @dcoudert. URL: sagemath#39065 Reported by: Janmenjaya Panda Reviewer(s): David Coudert, Janmenjaya Panda, user202729
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