Full-Stack Developer | MVC Expert
Title | Link |
facebook.com/uxmansrwr | |
Fiverr | fiverr.com/musmansarwer |
linkedin.com/in/uxmansarwar | |
instagram.com/uxmansrwr | |
YouTube | youtube.com/@uxmansarwar |
Upwork | upwork.com/o/profiles/users/~01674525c6f729ff52 |
developers.google.com/profile/u/uxmansarwar | |
https://meet.google.com/ffy-crcm-rmf |
"job": "Developer",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "+923077506461",
"country": "Pakistan",
"stack": [
"PHP Laravel",
"React Native",
"interest": ["Clean Code", "Testing", "Static Code Analysis", "Linux", "..."],
"quote": "Don't care who doing better than me, I only try to do better than my own previous days(Uxman Sarwar)",
"naming-slugs": ["uxmansarwar", "uxmansrwr"],
"description": [
"Client satisfaction is my first priority.",
"I,m primarily a back-end developer, although I am comfortable in PHP/MySql, PHP Laravel, vanilla javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, and BootStrap. Excellent skills in core PHP/MySql development. And I am Working on these technologies since 2013.",
"Feel free to contact me for my services",
"Thank You"