Deny overflowing (and lossy) integer type cast operations (#1895) #328
1 error and 1 warning
Build and push Docker image from master
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install gcc=${GCC_VERSION} g++=${G_VERSION} musl-dev=${MUSL_V} libssl-dev pkg-config && if [ -n \"$CARGO_CONTRACT_GIT\" ]; then COMMAND=\"cargo install --git ${CARGO_CONTRACT_GIT}\" ; else COMMAND=\"cargo install cargo-contract --locked --version ${CARGO_CONTRACT_VERSION}\" ; fi && if [ -n \"$CARGO_CONTRACT_BRANCH\" ] && [ -n \"$CARGO_CONTRACT_GIT\" ]; then COMMAND=\"${COMMAND} --branch ${CARGO_CONTRACT_BRANCH}\" ; fi && if [ -n \"$CARGO_CONTRACT_REV\" ] && [ -n \"$CARGO_CONTRACT_GIT\" ]; then COMMAND=\"${COMMAND} --rev ${CARGO_CONTRACT_REV}\" ; fi && if [ -n \"$CARGO_CONTRACT_TAG\" ] && [ -n \"$CARGO_CONTRACT_GIT\" ]; then COMMAND=\"cargo install --git ${CARGO_CONTRACT_GIT} --tag ${CARGO_CONTRACT_TAG}\" ; fi && echo \"Executing ${COMMAND}\" && eval \"${COMMAND}\" && cargo +${RUST_LINTER_VERSION} install cargo-dylint dylint-link && cargo install cargo-dylint dylint-link && cargo contract new test && mkdir -p $DYLINT_DRIVER_PATH && cd test && cargo contract build --lint --verbose --release && cd .. && rm -rf test && apt-get remove -y gnupg libssl-dev pkg-config && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && rm -rf ${CARGO_HOME}/\"registry\" ${CARGO_HOME}/\"git\" /root/.cache/sccache" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see