Application web de l'UTT Arena permettant aux joueurs d'accéder à des informations sur les tournois et au staff de gérer l'événement
git clone [email protected]:ungdev/UA-appli.git
# or
git clone
cd UA-appli
# copy env file for all environments
cp .env .env.local
# makes your changes in .env.local, which will not be pushed
nano .env.local
# copy env file for development environment
cp .env.development .env.development.local
# makes your changes in .env.development.local, which will not be pushed
nano .env.development.local
yarn dev # development server
yarn build # build production assets
yarn start # static server
yarn serve # pm2 static server (load balancing)
yarn reload # pm2 hot reload
yarn lint # prettier lint
├── public/ # public assets that will be served directly (should not be used for fonts, images nor css)
├── src/ # base directory
│ ├── assets/ # assets (eg. fonts, images, css)
│ ├── components/ # widely used components
│ │ └── button/
│ ├── containers/ # pages that handle routes
│ │ └── home/
| │ └── components/ # components used by this container only
│ ├── modules/ # store / actions / reducers
│ │ └── user.js
│ ├── index.css # common css
│ ├── index.js # entry point
│ ├── registerServiceWorker.js # generated file for PWA
│ └── store.js # store entry point
├── .editorconfig # define your editor options
├── .env # global configuration
├── .env.local # override global configuration (not pushed to repository)
├── .env.development # development-only configuration
└── .env.development.local # override development-only configuration (not pushed to repository)