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Repository files navigation

Embark Backend

To run:

  • Clone the repository
  • Run docker-compose up --build. If you've modified the docker files, run docker-compose down && docker-compose up --build.


Post Request: Put the following fields in the body of the request:

    "email":unique string,
    "password": string, must be 8 characters, with at least 1 Uppercase, 1 Lowercase, and one special character,
    userType: "club" or "student"

Returns (if successful):

    "token": <token>


Requests to be made with Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token>. Request body:

    "userType":"club" OR "student"

Returns (if successful):



Requests to be made with Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token>.

POST /posts

    "title": <title>,
    "body": "<body>,
    "timestamp": <new_Date()>,
    "tags": <tech/law/medicine/etc>,


    "message": "Post successfully created.",
    "post": {
        "tags": <array_of_tags>,
        "userLikes": <array_of_users_that_like_the_post>,
        "_id": <post_id>,
        "title": <post_title>,
        "body": <post_body>,
        "timestamp": <Date() object>,
        "authorEmail": <author_email>, # possibly author ID in the future
        "authorName": <author_name>,
        "likes": <num_likes>,
        "comments": <array_of_comments>
        "__v": 0

GET /posts

Requests to be made with Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token>. Query Parameters: limitNum (type:int) optional: next (type:next string-- you can get this from a previous GET request of /posts) optional: previous(type: previous string -- -- you can get this from a previous GET request of /posts) Returns:

    "message": "Posts successfully queried.",
     "paginatedPosts": {
        "results": [

            "_id": <id>,
            "tags": <array_of_tags>,
            "title": <title>,
            "body": <body>,
            "timestamp": <Date_object>,
            "authorEmail": <email>,
            "__v": <v>
        // array of such posts


Post request: Put the following fields in the body of the request:

"type": "signin" or "signup"
"user": "student" or "club"


Post request: Put the following fields in the body of the request:

"type": "signin" or "signup"
"user": "student" or "club"


GET /events/discover

Get request: for clubs and students to discover events by tags/clubs followed

Put the following fields in the body of the request:

    "userType": "student" or "club"


    events: [events]

POST /events/:eventId/attend

Post request: students and clubs can indicate interest in event

Request parameter, eventId: _id of event to attend

Put the following fields in the body of the request:

    "userType": "student" or "club"

POST /events/:eventId/cancel

Post request: students and clubs can cancel attendance for event

Put the following fields in the body of the request:

    "userType": "student" or "club"
    "eventId": _id of event to cancel

GET /events/going

Get request: students and clubs can return list of events they have indicated interest in

Put the following fields in the body of the request:

    "userType": "student" or "club"



    events: [events]

GET /events/me

Get request: clubs can see all events they have hosted/are hosting

Put the following fields in the body of the request:

    "userType": "student" or "club"



    events: [events]

POST /events/create

Post request: clubs can create event

Put the following fields in the body of the request:

    "name": String,
    "date": Date
    "venue": String,
    "organizerName": String,
    "organizerEmail": String,
    "tags": [String],
    "desc": String


    events: [events]


All requests to be made with Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token>.

GET /student/profile

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token> Returns:

 "student": {
        "posts": [],
        "tags": [],
        "savedPosts": [],
        "clubs": [],
        "_id": "",
        "name": "",
        "email": "",
        "password": "",
        "major": "",
        "year": 2024,
        "bio": "",
        "profilePicURL": "",
        "coverPicURL": "",
        "linkedIn": "",
        "__v": 0

GET /student/getClubResources

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token> Request Body: clubID: Returns:

"success": true,
    "resources": [

            "Location": "",
            "Key": "1619066278523pset1.pdf",
            "Bucket": "club-resources-embark",
            "Name": "pset1.pdf",
            "userNamed": "myFile" <-- what they named it
        , ...more resources
    "embededlinks": [
            "link": "hello",
            "userNamed": "myLink"
        , ... more embededlinks


GET /club/profile

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token> Returns:

"club": {
        "tags": [],
        "_id": "6008b841a99a7e438812e08b",
        "name": "club1",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "$2a$10$pSTtY114EVpLLmpQrbwskO1qNGAMaCB8Tk9YCQWY5AArbsTPpunsi",
        "website": "",
        "description": "a club one",
        "profilePicURL": "",
        "coverPicURL": "",
        "__v": 0

POST /student/profile

Edit Student profile

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token> Request Body (all fields are optional): NOTE: for adding tags and clubs, you only need to include the tags you would like to add into the user tags, and if you want to remove a tag/club, you can pass in a "rm<tag/club>" for example, "rmlaw" will remove the law tag

    "name": <name>,
    "email": <email>,
    "major": <major>,
    "year": <year>,
    "tags": [array of strings],
    "clubs":[array of strings],


        "posts": [],
        "tags": [],
        "savedPosts": [],
        "clubs": [],
        "_id": "",
        "name": "",
        "email": "",
        "password": <hashed password>,
        "major": "",
        "year": 2024,
        "bio": "",
        "profilePicURL": "",
        "coverPicURL": "",
        "linkedIn": "",

POST /club/profile

Edit Student profile

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token> Request Body (all fields are optional):

    "name": <name>,
    "email": <email>,
    "major": <major>,
    "year": <year>,


 "returnedClub": {
        "tags": [],
        "_id": "",
        "name": "",
        "email": "",
        "password": "hashed password",
        "website": "",
        "description": "",
        "profilePicURL": "",
        "coverPicURL": "",
        "__v": 0

POST /club/resources

In:Authorizationheader, in the formatBearer ` Query: linkFile=link (uploading a link) or linkFile=file (uploading a file) Query: userNamed = string name that the user named the file Request Body (file): files with key 'file' if uploading file (uses Form Data) Request Body: string link given like so: link: "string link" Returns: if Successful for File:

    "success": true,
    "fileUrls": [
            "Location": "<location in AWS S3 string>",
            "Key": <key name in AWS S3> ex. "1617248893413club.pdf",
            "Name": <file name> ex. "club.pdf"
            "userNamed": <string name that user gave>

Returns: if Successful for Link:

    "success": true,
    "fileUrls": {
        "link": <link>,
        "userNamed": <string name user Gave>

GET /club/resources

In: Authorizationheader, in the formatBearer ` Request Body: Nothing Returns: if Successful:

    "success": true,
    "resources": [
            "Location": <location URL as a string>,
            "Key": <key name in AWS S3> ex. "1617244725547club.pdf",
            "Bucket": <bucket name> ex. "club-resources-embark",
            "Name": <file name> ex. "club.pdf"

POST /club/profile/image?pictureType=

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token> Request body: image file with key 'image'

Returns (updates either profile picture or cover picture depending on what you query):

"returnedClub": {
        "tags": [],
        "_id": "",
        "name": "",
        "email": "",
        "password": "",
        "website": "",
        "description": "",
        "profilePicURL": "",
        "coverPicURL": ""
POST /student/profile/image?pictureType=

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer <token> Request body: nothing

Returns (updates either profile picture or cover picture depending on what you query):

 "returnedStudent": {
        "posts": [],
        "tags": [],
        "savedPosts": [],
        "clubs": [],
        "_id": "",
        "name": "",
        "email": "",
        "password": "",
        "major": "",
        "year": 2024,
        "bio": "",
        "profilePicURL": "",
        "coverPicURL": "",
        "linkedIn": ""

POST /student/following

POST /club/following

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer Request Body:

    userEmail: ""
    clubEmail: ""


    followedClubs: ""

GET /student/following

GET /club/following

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer Request Body:

    userEmail: ""


    followedClubs: ""


GET /post/likes

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer Request Body:

    post_id: ""


    post_id: "",
    likes: 1,
    likedUsers: ["[email protected]"]

POST /post/likes

Adds a like to a given post, or removes a like if user already liked the post.

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer Request Body:

    post_id: "",
    authorEmail: ""


    "message": "Removed user's like",
    "post": {
        "tags": [
        "userLikes": [
        "_id": "",
        "title": "",
        "body": "",
        "timestamp": "",
        "authorEmail": "",
        "likes": ,
        "comments": "",
        "__v": ""


GET /post/likes

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer Request Body:

    post_id: ""


    "message": "Get post comments",
    "comments": [
            "_id": "",
            "authorEmail": "",
            "body": "",
            "date": ""


GET /post/comments

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer Request Body:

    post_id: ""


    "message": "Get post comments",
    "comments": [
            "_id": "",
            "authorEmail": "",
            "body": "",
            "date": ""

POST /post/comments

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer Request Body:

    authorEmail: "",
    post_id: "",
    comment: ""


    "comments": [
            "_id": "",
            "authorEmail": "",
            "body": "",
            "date": ""


GET /posts/saved

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer Request Body:

    accountType: ""

Returns: an array of posts IDs

    "message": "Student Saved Posts successfully queried.",
    "posts": [


    "message": "Club Saved Posts successfully queried.",
    "posts": [

POST /posts/saved

Saves a post if user has not already done so, and removes a savedpost if user already has it saved.

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer Request Body:

    post_id: "",
    accountType: ""


    "message": "Student: added post to saved posts"


    "message": "Club: removed post from saved posts"

GET /post/me

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer

Request Body:

    accountType: "student"

Returns: a list of post IDs

    "posts": ""

GET /search

In: Authorization header, in the format Bearer

Request Body:

    searchString: "",

Returns: A list with the queries, and the number of search results. Each query has name, mongo id, and account type.

    "queries": [
            "name": "embark",
            "id": "60651dcf84687500c42c07ad",
            "accountType": "club"
    "numQueries": 1