Aurora runs on SmartMatrix, a dynamic LED art display and music visualizer.
SmartMatrix is a self-contained 32x32 pixel LED matrix display for music visualization, dynamic patterns, pixel art, and more!
Customize what's on the screen with the included remote control: choose what's playing, show a clock or message on top, and change settings, all from the remote. You don't need a computer or phone to control what's on the screen.
- Procedural pattern viewer
- Animated GIF slideshow viewer
- Remote control, allowing for ease of use.
- Optional Clock display in the foreground, over animation and pattern slideshows (requires real-time clock chip).
See Installation in the Aurora Wiki for instructions on how to load the pre-compiled Aurora program onto the Teensy 3.1
See Compiling in the Aurora Wiki for instructions on how setup the Arduino IDE and all the libraries that are needed to compile Aurora.
- SmartMatrix
- Aurora Wiki on GitHub for documentation
- Aurora Project on GitHub for source code
- Aurora Issue Tracker on GitHub for reporting issues
- SmartMatrix User Community on Google+ to ask questions, share your work, ideas, etc
If you have any problems using Aurora (crashes, glitches, etc), please search the Aurora Issue Tracker before creating a new issue.
If you have any problems compiling Aurora, please make sure all the above libraries are properly installed. Please refer to Installing Additional Arduino Libraries, and SmartMatrix External Libraries for more troubleshooting information.
Many thanks to all of the fantastic hardware and open source software libraries used in Aurora!
- SmartMatrix SD Shield by Louis Beaudoin
- SmartMatrix Library by Louis Beaudoin
- FastLED Library by Daniel Garcia and Mark Kriegsman
- IR Remote Library by Ken Shirriff
- SD Library by Bill Greiman
- Teensy v3.1 by Paul Stoffregen
- Teensyduino Software by Paul Stoffregen
- Time Library by Paul Stoffregen
- DS1307RTC Library
- aJson Library
- Teensyduino Software
- Arduino Software
A huge thank you to all of the projects and open source software that are used in and inspired Aurora!
- Light Appliance by Craig Lindley
- Funky Clouds by Stefan Petrick
- Rainbow Smoke by Jozsef Fejes
- LED Effects by Robert Atkins
- The Nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman
Thanks to these fine game companies for allowing us to use and distribute their pixel art to showcase Aurora!