python-oda-rest is a library for scripting ODA projects.
The library provides read and write access to the internal data structures of the project database. Some day we hope to wrap this library with an IDAPython-compatible library called ODAPython.
In this example, we list the effective addresses and names of functions:
from oda_rest.api import OdaProject
project = OdaProject("", 'mkdir', clone=True)
for f in project.Functions():
print('0x%x: %s' % (f.vma,
Note that in the example above, we clone an existing project instead of using one that we already created through the website.
The example below prints the first 10 instructions of the .text section.
from oda_rest.api import OdaProject
project = OdaProject("http://localhost:8000", 'mkdir', clone=True)
for s in project.Sections():
if == '.text':
dus = project.DisplayUnits(s.vma, 10)
for du in dus:
print("%s:%s %s" % (du.section_name, du.vma, du.instStr))