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Symphony 2.3 – With selected

eKoeS edited this page Sep 20, 2011 · 10 revisions

The main problem of the current implementation is that if you have to edit huge numbers of pages, subpages, data sources and events, it's not useful at all because common options are missing. Furthermore there are cases where options tend to grow unexpectedly (see the Publish area, as an example).

Existing screenshots

When select boxes contain many options:
Long select boxes

When there are many fields with options:
Many fields


With selected

With selected 2

[Simone] I don't like the idea of having scrollbars inside selectbox, so an idea might be to distribute items on a rectangle whose longest side lies horizontally.

We still need to figure out what's the right width/height ratio.

How should we deal with list that might consist of endless options in theory?

An idea might be to use a search interface. See Symphony 2.3 – Select box interfaces for more info.

Thinking of a column grid: how do we deal with different "action groups" and different numbers of options (one "action group" might consist of a single while others consist of quite a lot options)?

Perhaps we might use CSS3 columns to solve this, or alternatively stick to the old dear floats for a simpler solution. I think that some "Action group" should span 2 columns if there's a good reason to do so. For instance, when the number of options is very high.

Existing options

Expected settings in the With selected … widget. Entries with * represent a list of settings (one to many settings possible).


  • Delete
  • Change field based values *


  • Delete
  • Change page type *
  • Change parent page *
  • Change URL parameter *
  • Attach/detach data sources *
  • Attach/detach events *


  • Delete
  • Empty section (delete entries)
  • Change navigation group *
  • Hide/show section in navigation
  • Change custom setting (e. g. "Disable publish filtering for this section")

Data Sources

  • Delete
  • Link/unlink page *


  • Delete
  • Link/unlink page *


  • Delete


  • Delete
  • Change user type *
  • Change default area *
  • Change language *
  • Custom extension setting (e. g. author roles) *


  • Enable/disable
  • Install/uninstall
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