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John Puddephatt edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 9 revisions

The Symphony Documentation site is written in Markdown, hosted on GitHub pages and transformed into HTML by Jekyll:

  • Markdown transforms plain text into HTML. It makes **this** become <strong>this</strong>.
  • Jekyll is a simple but powerful tool – it turns simple Markdown files into fully-fledged static websites based on templates.
  • GitHub Pages makes it easy for webpages stored on GitHub to be served as websites. GitHub Pages supports Jekyll, so whenever a Markdown file is updated in the repository, the change is reflected on the documentation site immediately.

Creating or editing pages

Very basic git/GitHub experience is assumed.

  • Begin by forking the repository.
  • If the page already exists, locate the file, then edit it. If you're adding a new page, create it in the relevant folder of the repository (beneath /docs/), being sure to use the extension .md. Filenames should contain hyphens not underscores and be similar to your page headline without being excessively long.
  • Each page must include Jekyll front matter, which provides Jekyll with some essential information about your page. Your front matter should look like this:
id: a-symphony-workflow
title: A Symphony Workflow
layout: docs
  • If you're adding a new page, or edit the id of an existing page, you'll need to update the site navigation accordingly. The site navigation file is located at _data/nav_docs.yml, and looks like this:
\- id: parent-page
  title: Parent Page
  \- id: child-page
    title: Child Page

Note that child pages are indented below their parent.

  • When you've finished creating/updating your page. Submit a pull request so that your submission can be reviewed and merged.
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