Aerospike Loader parses a set of .DSV files and loads the data into Aerospike server.
- Java 1.6 or higher
- Maven 2.3.2
Source code is available on github:
$ git clone
Then build the utility by running following:
$ cd aerospike-loader $ ./build
Following dependencies are downloaded automatically:
- Aerospike Java client 3.1.2 or greater
- Apache commons cli 1.2
- Log4j 1.2.14
- Junit 4.4
- Json-simple 1.1.1
Use run_loader script along with options and data files.
$ ./run_loader <options> <data file name(s)/directory>
"data file name(s)/directory" can either be space delimited files or a directory name containing data files. See "Data Files" section for more details.
-h,--hosts <arg> List of seed hosts (default: localhost)
-p,--port <arg> Server port (default: 3000)
-U,--user <arg> User name
-P,--password <arg> Password
-n,--namespace <arg> Namespace (default: test)
-c,--config <arg> Column definition file in JSON format
-g,--max-throughput <arg> Set a target max transactions per second for the loader (default: 0 (don`t limit TPS)).
-T,--transaction-timeout <arg> Transaction timeout in milliseconds for write (default: no timeout)
-e,--expiration-time <arg> Time to expire of a record in seconds (default: never expire)
-tz,--timezone <arg> TimeZone of source where datadump is taken (default: local timeZone)
-ec,--abort-Error-Count<arg> Abort when error occurs more than this value (default: 0 (don`t abort))
-wa,--write-Action <arg> Write action if key already exists (default: update)
-tls,--tls-enable Use TLS/SSL sockets(default: False)
-tp,--tls-protocols Allow TLS protocols. Values: SSLv3,TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 separated by comma (default: TLSv1.2)
-tlsCiphers,--tls-cipher-suite Allow TLS cipher suites. Values: cipher names defined by JVM separated by comma (default: null (default cipher list provided by JVM))
-tr,--tls-revoke Revoke certificates identified by their serial number. Values: serial numbers separated by comma (default: null (Do not revoke certificates))
-te,--tls-encrypt-only Enable TLS encryption and disable TLS certificate validation
-uk,--send-user-key Send user defined key in addition to hash digest to store on the server. (default: userKey is not sent to reduce meta-data overhead)
-u,--usage Print usage.
-v,--verbose Verbose mode for debug logging (default: INFO)
For more details, refer to Options.
$ ./run_loader -h nodex -p 3000 -n test -T 3000 -e 2592000 -ec 100 -tz PST -wa update -c ~/pathto/config.json datafiles/
Server IP: nodex (-h)
Port: 3000 (-p)
Namespace: test (-n)
Write Operation Timeout (in milliseconds): 3000 (-T)
Write Error Threshold: 100 (-ec)
Record Expiration: 2592000 (-e)
Timezone: PST (-tz)
Write Action: update (-wa)
Data Mapping: ~/pathto/config.json (-c)
Data Files: datafiles/
Example directory contains two files: allDatatype.json and data.csv. Run the following command to load data from data file data.csv.
./run_loader -h localhost -c example/allDatatype.json example/data.csv
For more examples, see the examples/