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So basically MRefresh is a pull-to-refresh with a clear separation of concerns which consits of several independent components:
- a pull-to-refresh mechanism which adds a container view to a scrollview. This container view uses an animatable view conforming to AnimatableViewConforming protocol. The view receives messages during each of the pull-to-refresh stages (see description below),
- a path drawing mechanism which can read multiple SVG paths which are parts of one picture (SVGConnectedPathFactory), convert them to UIBezierPath objects, add additional points to such paths, so the drawing would be more smooth (using De Castelaju's Algorithm - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Casteljau's_algorithm).
To sum up, you can:
- take some SVG paths (though as of today arc command has not been implemented, this requires some approximation of arcs using qubic curves and is trickier) and draw them in any combination when user pulls the scrollview,
- provide your own custom animations to the pull-to-refresh view
So here's a quick demo of what this library can do (we are drawing one of the FontAwesome SVG paths):
Below see the steps needed to configure the pull-to-refresh view. Of course, if you don't want to read the long description, you can download the example and see everything for yourself.
The library was made in a way that enables you to configure all parameters of the pull-to-refresh process.
Firstly, you need SVG path, let it be something like this (it is a path that was taken from one of the FontAwesome icons, no copyrights infringed I hope):
let path = "M1247 161q-5 154 -56 297.5t-139.5 260t-205 205t-260 139.5t-297.5 56q-14 1 -23 -9q-10 -10 -10 -23v-128q0 -13 9 -22t22 -10q204 -7 378 -111.5t278.5 -278.5t111.5 -378q1 -13 10 -22t22 -9h128q13 0 23 10q11 9 9 23"
Secondly, you need to create a svg path configuration, which provides additional parameters about how the path should be scaled.
var configuration = SVGConnectedPathConfiguration(size: size)
Here you provide a size in which the path should be placed, basically the algorithm tries to center the path in the size so the path would take as much place as possible.
configuration.add(svg: path, startProportion: 0.0, depth: 2)
Here you add the part of the svg path to configuration.
startProportion says when during the pull to refresh process this path should start drawing. This is useful when you have multiple parts of the path to be able to start drawing them simultaneously or with some delay.
depth - how much you want your path to be smoothed (i.e. how many new points you want to be generated amount of points = initialSvgPoints * 2 ^ 3).
Then it is time to create the SVGNode's through the SVGConnectedPathFactory which will do all the hard work converting and resizing your svg's.
let nodes = try SVGConnectedPathFactory.default.make(pathConfiguration: configuration)
When you've done creating the path manager it is time to create the animatable view. You can do it like so:
let frame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint.zero,
size: size)
let animatableView = PathDrawingAnimatableView(path: connectedPath, frame: frame)
So frame is obviously the frame in which the view is drawn (actually the origin here doesn't matter because it is calculated under the hood).
The very last thing is to add the animatable view, the configuration and the action handler (i.e. the closure which is called when the content offset reaches certain value) to a scroll view.
tableView.addPullToRefresh(animatable: animatableView, handler: { [weak self] in
// when the data was loaded
You can specify additional parameters when adding view to scroll view as pull to refresh, see PullToRefreshConfiguration.
Below see brief description of the pull-to-refresh mechanism. First of all, there is an extension to UIScrollView which enables you to add a view which conforms to a specific protocol AnimatableViewConforming. This view will receive certain messages from the UIScrollView when users pulls it and releases it.
We can think of a pull-to-refresh as a 4 stage process.
The content offset of the scrollview hasn't reached some starting value (startValue) when the animatable view becomes visible.
The content offset of the scrollview has reached the starting value, and the AnimatableContainerView (which is a container view used under the hood) tells your view to drawPullToRefresh(proportion: CGFloat). The proportion will be a CGFloat value from 0 to 1 depending on whether the contentoffset has reached some other value, let's call it the endValue.
In case of PathDrawingAnimatableView which is a view conforming to AnimatableViewConforming and is provided in the library, the proportion value will tell your view how many points in a path should be displayed on screen.
The content offset of the scrollview has reached the endValue. Now:
- the view receives the startAnimation message,
- the scrollview's inset is increased to fit the animatable view with some additional space (== frame of the AnimatableContainerView),
- the actionHandler closure is called (e.g. some services shall start downloading something etc)
The scrollview receives stopAnimating message (you should send the message when e.g. the data/error is received upon loading). After that if user is not holding the view with his finger, the view will receive stopAnimation message.
Please bear in mind the respective timing, because after user releases its finger the scrollview changes its insets to initial value.
MRefresh is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'MRefresh', '~> 0.2.1'
Mikhail Rakhmanov, [email protected]
MRefresh is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.