Only building for Windows is currently possible.
You will need to have the following installed:
Clone OBS-Studio
git clone --recurse-submodules
Enter the obs-studio folder
cd obs-studio
Choose the OBS-Studio version you want to build the plugin for (
git checkout 30.1.2
Update submodules for the version
git submodule update
Clone the plugin into the plugins subfolder
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:stream-labs/obs-sl-browser.git plugins\obs-sl-browser
Download and unpack the plugin dependencies (use the version from
set GRPC_VERSION=v1.58.0
start /WAIT /B /D %CD%\plugins\obs-sl-browser CI\install_deps.cmd
Set environment variables to specify dependency paths
set PROTOBUF_DIR=%CD%\plugins\obs-sl-browser\grpc_dist\cmake
set ABSL_DIR=%CD%\plugins\obs-sl-browser\grpc_dist\lib\cmake\absl
set GRPC_DIR=%CD%\plugins\obs-sl-browser\grpc_dist\lib\cmake\grpc
set UTF8_RANGE_DIR=%CD%\plugins\obs-sl-browser\grpc_dist\lib\cmake\utf8_range
Add the plugin in the OBS-Studio CMake script (do it manually if the example commands below do not work)
powershell -command "(Get-Content plugins\CMakeLists.txt).Replace('add_obs_plugin(win-capture PLATFORMS WINDOWS)', \"add_obs_plugin(win-capture PLATFORMS WINDOWS)`r`n add_obs_plugin(obs-sl-browser PLATFORMS WINDOWS)\") | Set-Content plugins\CMakeLists.txt"
powershell -command "(Get-Content plugins\CMakeLists.txt).Replace('add_subdirectory(win-capture)', \"add_subdirectory(win-capture)`r`n add_subdirectory(obs-sl-browser)\") | Set-Content plugins\CMakeLists.txt"
Configure OBS-Studio the regular way (check
cmake --preset windows-x64
Start building
cmake --build --preset windows-x64