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Tags: stream-labs/lib-streamlabs-ipc



Toggle v0.5.0's commit message
- Refactored internal functionality to use lib-datalane

- Updated protobuf (see v0.4.3)


Toggle v0.4.3's commit message
cmake: Update protobuf


Toggle v0.4.2's commit message
- Clients no longer use IO buffering (improves performance at the cos…

…t of a few CPU cycles).

- Fixed various compiler warnings.


Toggle v0.4.1's commit message
ipc-client: Use modern read method


Toggle v0.4.0's commit message
ipc-client: Automatically generate GUID for signal names


Toggle v0.3.0's commit message
os-namedsocket-win: Also handle pipe state in older read/write()


Toggle v0.2.3's commit message
ipc-client: Allow call_synchronous_helper to time out

This is currently hard coded to 500ms.


Toggle v0.2.2's commit message
- Client now calls async callbacks with a critical error in case the …

…connection dies before completion.


Toggle v0.2.1's commit message
ipc-client: Add synchronous call helper


Toggle v0.2.0's commit message
Project Changes:

* Entire project is now snake_case, any new code will have to adhere to this.
* As such, IPC::Class is now ipc::collection to avoid collision with reserved keywords.

Server Changes:
* Multiple return values are now supported.
* Added std::shared_ptr support to register_collection.
* Final result message is now slightly smaller.
* Returned values are now properly encoded instead of encoding the last argument over and over again.
* Improved worker loop to reduce errors and improve code cleanness.

Client Changes:
* Binary return values no longer crash the client.
* Improved worker loop to fix permanent freeze and improve code cleanness.

OS::NamedSocket Changes:
* Improved performance by re-using Events for write() and read() interactions, reducing total Kernel time.
* write() and read() should no longer incorrectly return failure when they actually succeeded.
* write() and read() should no longer incorrectly return success when they actually failed.

Test Changes:
* Added a test for the underlying os::namedsocket code with multiple clients.
* Added a test for the ipc code with multiple clients.