Tags: stream-labs/lib-streamlabs-ipc
Project Changes: * Entire project is now snake_case, any new code will have to adhere to this. * As such, IPC::Class is now ipc::collection to avoid collision with reserved keywords. Server Changes: * Multiple return values are now supported. * Added std::shared_ptr support to register_collection. * Final result message is now slightly smaller. * Returned values are now properly encoded instead of encoding the last argument over and over again. * Improved worker loop to reduce errors and improve code cleanness. Client Changes: * Binary return values no longer crash the client. * Improved worker loop to fix permanent freeze and improve code cleanness. OS::NamedSocket Changes: * Improved performance by re-using Events for write() and read() interactions, reducing total Kernel time. * write() and read() should no longer incorrectly return failure when they actually succeeded. * write() and read() should no longer incorrectly return success when they actually failed. Test Changes: * Added a test for the underlying os::namedsocket code with multiple clients. * Added a test for the ipc code with multiple clients.