A libOBS filter plugin that detects faces and draws masks with the detected data.
This plugin relies heavily on Dlib and uses the solvePnP function from openCV.
Download cmake, if you don't have it already
Get Visual Studio 2015 (vc14). When you install it, make sure you include the C++ stuff. libOBS is fixed at this version, so make sure.
Download Dlib
Download OBS Studio source
If you don't have access, you could also use the original, but you'll be better off with the twitchalerts fork.
*Download the plugin code
Create a build folder in the obs-facemask-plugin folder. For example:
(for x64)
*Run cmake-gui
in the obs-facemask-plugin folder. Set Where is the source code:
to the obs-facemask-plugin folder, and Where to build the binaries:
to one of the build foders you just made.
button. Choose Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64
for 64-bit builds.
*Fill in these variables as it complains that they are not set, and keep hitting CONFIGURE
again until it configures without error.
You will need to set these in order for it to work:
**PATH_DLIB** Path to the Dlib folder
**PATH_OBS_STUDIO** Path to the obs-studio[-fork] folder.
You will also want to consider enabling one of the following optimizations:
It will default to SSE2, but setting to SSE4 or AVX is much faster.
You'll probably want to set these too:
**DLIB_NO_GUI_SUPPORT** - don't need it
**DLIB_USE_CUDA** - Seems to use more CPU. Turn it off.
**BUILD_SLOBS** - Distributes to slobs instead of OBS Studio
**DLIB_GIF_SUPPORT** - don't need it
**DLIB_JPEG_SUPPORT** - don't need it
If you have the [Intel Math Kernel Library](https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl) installed on your system, you might have **DLIB_USE_BLAS** or **DLIB_USE_LAPACK** turned on. Keep in mind that dlib links dynamically with these libs, so the MKL and TBB dlls will need to be found by slobs when it runs (for instance, by copying them into the slobs-client folder).
. -
At this point, if you haven't already, you should set up your
folder correctly. If you are building for slobs, you'll want to make a link to your slobs-client folder, so that when you build the post-build step will copy the plugin stuff into slobs automatically. So, for example (as administrator):mklink /D c:\streamlabs\obs-facemask-plugin\build64\distribute\slobs c:\streamlabs\slobs-client
Select the RelWithDebInfo configuration.
Select the ALL_BUILD project in the Solution Explorer, then click on the little wrench icon (Properties) to bring up the Property Pages. Select the Debugging page, and set the following properties to run with the debugger (replace with your slobs-client folder):
Command = <slobs-client>\node-modules\electron\dist\electron.exe
Command Arguments = .
Working Directory = <slobs-client>
Compile the plugin. (F7)
Run it. (F5)
You should now have the face masks filter running in slobs.
The plugin is an OBS filter plugin. It can be broken down into 2 main parts; the plugin, and the face detection. The face detection runs in its own thread, separate from OBS.
The plugin portion performs the following duties:
- Render the current frame to a texture
- Make 3 copies of the current frame, and add them to a circular buffer to be consumed by the face detection thread.
- Receive new face detection data from another circular buffer fed by the face detection thread.
- Using smoothing algorithms, the current state of faces is updated.
- According to the user's parameters, the current faces are rendered.
The face detection portion runs in its own thread. It consumes frame data from the circular buffer, does the face detection computation, then feeds the resulting face data to a circular buffer that is consumed by the rendering.
The process of face detection consists of four main operations:
Face Detection The faces are detected using the histogram of oriented gradients method (HOG) in Dlib. HOG's are trained feature descriptors used for detecting objects.
Tracking Once we have detected the faces we then use a cheaper method of object tracking to follow the face. This Dlib object tracking method takes an arbitrary rectangle in an image and follows it.
Facial Landmarks Given a rectangle that locates a face, we can then use Dlib's landmark detection algorithm which uses a trained regression tree solver to find 68 2D facial landmark points, corresponding to the Multi-PIE definition (see links below).
3D Pose Estimation A subset of key points are taken from the 2D facial landmark points, and using 3D points for an arbitrary rest pose, we use openCV's solvePnP method to obtain a 3D transformation. This transform can be used to render 3D objects in the scene that track the head movement.
The FaceDetect object manages these operations and a current state, so that it performs the face detection, then uses object tracking to follow the face, then does landmark/3d pose estimation.
The face detection/object tracking are executed according to a frequency setting, so they are not necessarily executed on every frame. The face detection is re-checked according to another frequency setting, to ensure the object tracking is still correct.
The face detection executes using the detect texture generated in the render thread. The tracking uses the tracking texture, and the landmark/3d pose estimation is done using the high resolution capture texture. If the tracking and detection textures are the same size, they are shared, and only 1 texture is used. Currently, the tracking and detection textures are scaled-down greyscale textures, due to the higher expense of these operations, where as the capture texture is full color and resolution, because the landmarks and pose estimation are inexpensive by comparison.
In addition to the obvious settings in the plugin, the face detection code has a swath of config parameters to control the behaviour.
Sticking with the default values is likely the best option, but they are exposed for development purposes, and to experiment with the various trade offs with accuracy/speed/smoothness/cpu and gpu consumption.