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How to use the graphical user interface?

Stéphane Caron edited this page Oct 31, 2020 · 1 revision

After executing instructions from the Usage section of the README, you should see the following windows:

Initial state

2019-09-03-104321_1920x1080_scrot At startup, the controller is in the Initial state of its finite state machine (FSM), doing nothing but holding the robot posture.

Standing state

Click on Start standing to go to the Standing state of the FSM and enable the stabilizer: 2019-09-03-104332_1920x1080_scrot You can now select a footstep plan from the corresponding dialog.

Walking states

Click on Start walking to execute the plan: 2019-09-03-104336_1920x1080_scrot While walking, the controller switches between the SingleSupport and DoubleSupport states of the FSM. Once walking is over, the FSM switches back to the Standing state.