Checkout Pull Requests with ease
- Download the latest release for your operating system (linux or macos).
- Make it executable with:
chmod +x <PURS_EXEC>
- Copy executable to a directory on your path.
In the later versions of macos, you can't just download and run an executable. Macos will complained that it hasn't been signed and won't allow you to open it.
To get around this you can override this behaviour under under System Preferences > Security & Privacy. Select App Store and identified developers under allowed apps. If you ran purs
and it was blocked, it should be listed here now. Chose to allow purs. This article from OSXDaily goes into more detail.
If you don't want to do any of this jugglery (and who would blame you?), build purs
from source.
Ensure you have Cargo and Rust installed.
cargo build --release
Copy binary file from target/release/purs
to a directory on your path.
You need to generate a GitHub Personal Token to use purs
. You create one as described in the GitHub Docs.
The following scopes are required:
- repo (all settings)
If the repository you want to query is part of a private organisation, ensure your GitHub Personal Token is assigned to that organisation as well.
You should export your GitHub Personal Token via the GH_ACCESS_TOKEN
environment variable or supply it to purs
via the -t
To list the open pull request in a repository use:
purs --repo owner1/repo1
This will display a list of up to twenty open pull requests from the repository supplied.
You can then use the arrow keys to select from the list and press enter to choose a pull request. If you want to quit you can press q.
The pull request summary line has some emojis which help in quickly showing you which ones to consider.
Emoji | Meaning |
👀 | PR has at least one review |
💬 | PR has at least one comment |
🔧 | PR is in draft |
🦕 | PR is older than a week |
✅ | PR has an approval. Has one ✅ per approval |
🐕 | PR has at 11 - 20 changed files |
🐘 | PR has at 21 - 40 changed files |
🐳 | PR has more than 40 changed files |
If you make a selection, purs
will then do the following:
- The PR branch will be cloned into a directory under your PURS_HOME directory. This defaults to
in the following format:
- A diff file will be created with names of all the files that have changed from the parent branch. The files changed will created in a Git diff format with the same name as the original file but with an additional
For example if the
file was updated, the diff file would be named
- If the comments flag is set, a comment file will be created for each file that has review comments associated with it. It will have the same name as the original file but with an additional
suffix. This will be a JSON file.
Sample JSON file
"file_name": "modules/framework/Runner.scala",
"file_comments": [
"line": 192,
"file_name": "modules/framework/Runner.scala",
"file_line_comments": [
"user_name": "ABC",
"user_icon": "file:///PURS_HOME/.assets/.avatars/4439335.png",
"link": "",
"line": 192,
"body": "comment text1",
"file_name": "modules/framework/Runner.scala"
"user_name": "YXZ",
"user_icon": "file:///PURS_HOME/.assets/.avatars/4439335.png",
"link": "",
"line": 192,
"body": "comment text2",
"file_name": "modules/framework/Runner.scala"
"line": 500,
"file_name": "modules/framework/Runner.scala",
"file_line_comments": [
"user_name": "AAA",
"user_icon": "file:///PURS_HOME/.assets/.avatars/4439335.png",
"link": "",
"line": 500,
"body": "comment text3",
"file_name": "modules/framework/src-jvm/RunnerCompat.scala"
"user_name": "DES",
"user_icon": "file:///PURS_HOME/.assets/.avatars/4439335.png",
"link": "",
"line": 500,
"body": "comment text4",
"file_name": "modules/framework/src-jvm/RunnerCompat.scala"
You can choose to render this information how you see fit. If you use Sublime Text, see below for information on a plugin that already does this for you.
You can also supply multiple repositories along with a script to execute once the chosen pull request has been cloned and diffed.
If a script will specified it will be called with following parameters:
- The directory the pull request was checked out to
- The the mode edit/review
- If the mode is review, the name of the diff file that holds the changed file names
echo "param1: $1" # checkout path
echo "param2: $2" # mode (edit/review)
if [ "$2" == "review" ]; then
echo "param3: $3" # only sent if the mode is review
echo "no param3 for you"
# Do some cool stuff here...
If you use Sublime Text, you can install the Ghomments plugin to display the comments inline on the original file.
A complete list of options can be found with:
purs --help
which yields:
purs 0.3.9
Sanj Sahayam
List and checkout open Pull Requests on a GitHub repository
purs [OPTIONS] --repo <repo>
-c, --comments
Whether to generate comment files when there are comments. Not included by default.
-h, --help
Print help information
-r, --repo <repo>
one or more GitHub repositories to include in the form: <owner>/<repo>
-s, --script <script>
Optional script to run after cloning repository
Parameters to script:
param1: checkout directory for the selected PR
param2: name of the file that has the names of all the changed files
Eg. purs --repo owner/repo --script path/to/your/script
-t, --token <gh_token>
GitHub Access Token. Can also be supplied through the GH_ACCESS_TOKEN environment
-V, --version
Print version information
-w, --wd <working_dir>
Optional working directory. Defaults to USER_HOME/.purs